I loooooove to smoke.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
and make lots of pointless threads on the last work day before a holiday but that's beside the point

Seriously. Smoking is cool. It feels good. It looks good (the smoke itself, not the act, I don't look at myself in the mirror while smoking because that would be gay). Just the very act of it is highly enjoyable and flat out fun. I decided to quit, then said "nah fuck that" because I enjoy it, so I'm going back to my smoking once a week or so mode, which was a lot easier than I thought.

I fucking hate the act of smoking. It's ugly, it stinks, it's selfish and smokers just look stupid. That being said, my wife smokes, and I say shit to her about it everyday.

I don't want kids for a long time, but it's tempting right now, because she'd have to quit smoking. Hmmmm...... a smoking wife or a kid?
ha, I never realized what snus actually was. So it's nothing more than, what we call down here, "dip". I've tried smoking and dip, they both suck ass, and probably taste like it, too.
it's like Listerine Pocket Strips ... but has some tobacco flavor ... that shit sounds nasty
I've never tried dip, but honestly it's so disgusting I don't think I ever would. I'd have to get a plate for a belt buckle, a 28 gallon cowboy hat, start watching NASCAR, and then put a BACK OFF, CITY BOY sticker on my giant truck that spends 99% of its time stuck in Los Angeles freeway traffic.
J. said:
I fucking hate the act of smoking. It's ugly, it stinks, it's selfish and smokers just look stupid. That being said, my wife smokes, and I say shit to her about it everyday.

Exactly. Every day on my ride home, some fucking idiot in the back of the car smokes whenever he's had a "bad day". No one else gives a fuck, but I do. I am the only one who wears jackets and has long hair, and hate my clothes and body smelling like it for the rest of the day.

I would, however try some snus.
It's not the same as dip. Hell Mike Motörbike says GENERAL! Grov comes in second, and Göteborgs Rapé (cue rape jokes) tastes of pine trees but personally I like my snus tasting of snus.
Snus appears to be actual tobacco, not all the shit american companies put into their product... like fiberglass and poison.