i miss mike's shittier clean

I think otherwise, earlier Opeth albums had absolutely SHIT lyrics, and however he sang them it couldn't be incredibly-emotion-evoking
Indeed. Didn't Mike himself say he was in tears while recording "Isolation Years" on GR? I'm pretty sure he did. His vocals ooze sheer emotion on the recent material.

Actually, it was his wife's reaction when she heard it for the time. Thought I would never do so myself, I could still see it happening with someone else, especially when considering how well he sings on Isolation Years.

^ofcorpze, ws is the first record he's not singing his heart out

I guess I'll have to listen to Watershed then. Still, having heard all the samples + The Lotus Eater and Porcelain Heart, I don't know if I can agree with you (again). So I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
yeah, well anyway be sure not to miss my joke above batmura's post
Technically, Akerfeldt has become a much better singer than ever before, and yes he does sound great. His pitch changes are far smoother, and he's using his registers much better than before.

HOWEVER!!! - he doesn't sound as natural as he did before. Much of the singing on the new album, while great, sounds unnatural, or almost, too perfect. His increased technical vocal ability has detracted from his ability to express character imo. Additionally, his increased technical abilities have also detracted from the uniqueness of his delivery. He now just sounds like a "really good singer" as opposed to "Mikael Akerfeldt the guy who can do insane DM growls AND sing really well".

I agree 100%. And the pitch fixing is a bit too much as well. I miss the natural sound of the releases before Ghost Reveries.
HOWEVER!!! - he doesn't sound as natural as he did before. Much of the singing on the new album, while great, sounds unnatural, or almost, too perfect. His increased technical vocal ability has detracted from his ability to express character imo. Additionally, his increased technical abilities have also detracted from the uniqueness of his delivery.

I don't agree with this at all.

He now just sounds like a "really good singer" as opposed to "Mikael Akerfeldt the guy who can do insane DM growls AND sing really well".

Last time I checked, his growls are as brutal as ever. So no, he's still capable of both, but there just so happens to be less growling on Watershed because it probably felt best that way. I could never associate the name Mikael Åkerfeldt with just clean singing, and I don't think anyone else here could either. Opeth has always been about dichotomy.
man... I just wish Opeth would stop fucking around and start sounding like Green Day already! all this "good music" nonsense is getting old quick
*cough* Bruce Dickinson *cough*

God I cant believe I admitted that.

**slaps self in face**

bullshit man, Bruce still kicks ass. You can tell he struggles with the high notes sometimes, but he's sounded better sometimes recently than he did in the 80s when he was drunk all the time and sounded totally shitty :headbang:
^yeah, axe


I understand the purpose of this thread, however, I must say the thing that I miss the most in Opeth records nowadays is the sound of the acoustic guitars from Morningrise ; the production was, you can say it, shitty, but hell, everytime an acoustic guitar comes in on this record, it just sounds so good.
That's kinda the same problem with Mike's clean singing, he obviously sings better now, but the approximate singing on earlier albums was part of Opeth charm.

Now I don't say that the latest records are bad, because obviously they're not, but I think it's pointless to wait for another record that would own Morningrise, MAYH or Still Life, since what we liked in these records isn't likely to come back.
bullshit man, Bruce still kicks ass. You can tell he struggles with the high notes sometimes, but he's sounded better sometimes recently than he did in the 80s when he was drunk all the time and sounded totally shitty :headbang:

Yeah he DOES still kick ass, but there's no doubting his strength has faltered. Believe me, I don't like talking about this at all. Maiden is my number one band, and after 22 years of obsession, I still lost the plot when I saw them again earlier this year... Bruce is STILL the best, no doubt about it :kickass:

Last time I checked, his growls are as brutal as ever. So no, he's still capable of both, but there just so happens to be less growling on Watershed because it probably felt best that way. I could never associate the name Mikael Åkerfeldt with just clean singing, and I don't think anyone else here could either. Opeth has always been about dichotomy.

I wasn't referring to his growls being any lesser, if anything they're stronger than ever. He's definitely at his vocal peak, clean and growling, but I just feel his clean singing, while technically better, lacks the character and uniqueness it once had as a result of better his technical ability. I guess it's a trade-off.
I miss Mike's shitter clean too
say what you want but i really liked his cleans Orchid --> GR much more than WS.
especially on MAYH through Deliverance.

not sure if i would say they're shittier but he sounds completely different now.
I wasn't referring to his growls being any lesser, if anything they're stronger than ever. He's definitely at his vocal peak, clean and growling, but I just feel his clean singing, while technically better, lacks the character and uniqueness it once had as a result of better his technical ability. I guess it's a trade-off.

Fair enough, but I still wouldn't agree with the bolded segment.
I like his more recent clean singing, cause it sounds better and its obvious he's become a really good singer. However, I just adore the clean singing on the first 2 or 3 albums, it may be more amateurish but there's some raw passion there.
Isolation Years would be the exception to my earlier comment, I s'pose. That is one darn good song, and it's pretty much all because of the vocals.
I don't think the problem you all are having lies with his improvements as a singer so much as the vocal melodies he now comes up with to suit them. I'm not trying to find fault, but since Ghost Reveries it seems like he's realized how much better he's gotten, so he writes melodies that leap all over the place, almost like he's trying to say, 'Hey guys, check this out.' I think that's also why his growls are taking second place so noticeably now (with some exceptions).

On the other hand, I don't think he's lost his emotion at all. 'Isolation Years' is one of his most profoundly lyrical vocal deliveries ever, and even on 'Hours of Wealth' he is quite soulful. And, looking at 'Watershed', even though it keeps up the somewhat show-offy trend that began on the last album, he certainly hasn't lost his, hm, humanity at all. 'Coil', anyone? Nothing crazy about those vocals, but definitely emotional.

On earlier records, like 'My Arms, Your Hearse', I think that since there was less technique to notice, you immediately got the full force of his emotion. Because his technical abilities have improved so much since then, I think some people might be so distracted by that that they miss the feeling that his clean vocals still certainly possess. So what's better and what's worse? I think it just depends on the listener. Me, I tend to prefer the less acrobatic vocal melodies of previous albums, even though I do enjoy and admire his more 'muscular' clean vocals of today. Really, Opeth couldn't be what they are today without them - they've moved on over the years.