I think I found whats wrong with watershed

are u sure thats the guys balls? cuz it looks like hes missing a cock. maybe its his cock and balls fused together?
Watershed probably has more balls than all other Opeth albums (except damnation), so just no.
What the hell is wrong with watershed? It's one of my favorite Opeth albums and listen to Heir Apperent - it's at least as heavy as Master's Apprentices I think it's in their 5 top heaviest songs and with a song like this in it you can't just say that this album has no balls... I think this thread fails bigtime
you dont have to agree but crying "fail" and posting retarded fail pictures like some 15 year old adolescents is never the solution
every thread that mentions some kind of the slightest flaw in opeth results in flaming and more flaming by dumb fanboys jumping on the bandwagon of "shit thread" and "fail"
^ I would agree with you but in this thread, the particular "flaw" in this album that guy claimed "finding" is totally shitted on by the fact that there's a song called Heir Apparent (Probably Opeth's heaviest song ever) in this album; plus TLE is fairly heavy too.

I also think this album is somewhat softer than the rest but "WS is softer than the rest" doesn't equal to "WS has no balls"
most of your posts used to be funny but you are trying too hard for the past few weeks now (imo)
Watershed is significantly different from Blackwater Park and Deliverance. And IMO Heir Apparent has more balls than Master's Apprentices and BWP put together.
If master's apprentices is anger, then heir apparent is rage in it's purest form, both songs are really heavy but seriously, heir apparent is just so much more than MA
Heir Apparent is real heavy, no doubt about that but the rest of the album isn't (with the exeption of the second half of Hessian Peel and parts of The Lotus Eater). So one song doesn't make an entire album sound heavy/brutal and that's what the album lacks IMO.