I want to learn swedish...

Gaunerin said:
Perhaps you're used to being a wunderkind but don't you think you are expecting a bit too much after two months? The gap between being able to read Swedish and actually being able to understand spoken Swedish is unfortunately bigger than it seems.

no, I'm not a wunderkid at all, I was just referring to -Vintersorg-'s post who was able to understand quite alot of swedish after 2 months because he learned german beforehand. ;)

I have been learning for over a year now (although I have not done that much por the last few months) and it's getting better and better. my visit to sweden last summer helped me really much! :)

amf said:
Bah! Lindström is a damn "linguistic-liberal" (unsure of the correct English term). "Anything is correct as long as people understand what you say." He and the likes of him are to blame for the decay of our language! :bah:

He is pretty funny though...

Well, I agree with you totally on that one. I remember one show, when he talked about bending words - and almost every way was correct according to him (don't remember the word now). That IS something that pisses me off as well, and our language "decays" more and more for each passing year...

Still, I really enjoy watching the show. I learn some things from it + it's entertaining.
amf said:
"Anything is correct as long as people understand what you say."

hehe.....totally my motto (from my tourist point of view ;) )
Seriously though, I also remember reading smth about him as a supporter of evolving (what you call decaying) language instead of conserving it. I haven't read any of his books yet, "Världens dåligaste språk" is on my ever-growing "still to read"-list for quite some time though. Anyone read it?
Gaunerin said:
hehe.....totally my motto (from my tourist point of view ;) )
Seriously though, I also remember reading smth about him as a supporter of evolving (what you call decaying) language instead of conserving it. I haven't read any of his books yet, "Världens dåligaste språk" is on my ever-growing "still to read"-list for quite some time though. Anyone read it?

Yup, read it 2 or 3 times a few years ago. In that one he also talks lots about "evolving" :grin: the language. I will leave that subject now. :p
I'd recommend it, if not just for the small Swedish dictionaries of unusual words, dialects, modern words, food words, slang (can't remember the english word) and other tiiiiiny areas of our language.
Gaunerin said:
hehe.....totally my motto (from my tourist point of view ;) )
Seriously though, I also remember reading smth about him as a supporter of evolving (what you call decaying) language instead of conserving it. I haven't read any of his books yet, "Världens dåligaste språk" is on my ever-growing "still to read"-list for quite some time though. Anyone read it?
These essays where written by gymnasium students (equivalent of senior high school in the U.S.). To be allowed to study at a gymnasium you have to be graded "godkänd" (I think the American equivalent is B) or better in Swedish, English and Math.

"Egen storry. En dag vaknade jag o gick till skolan. när jag komm dit var det ingen som var där, sen tänkte jag efter och kom på att jag inte har sett ett enda persion på vägen till skolan. Det var det märkligaste jag har varit med om. Då började himlen få en ganska mörk röd färg, då förstog jag att världen håller på att gå under, jag viste att jag hade några timmar på mig. så jag gick hem för att såva."

"Det var en gon en Man som hatade Djur. Een tidig somar morgon så blev Johan biten i armen av en jift kobra betet var så kraftigt att det drabade hans gärna så kraftigt så att han helt plötsligen kuna gör vad som hels för att död som en kobra. Helt plötsligen gav han på sin brosa och bet i gäl honom. Dan efter så låg han på sjukhust och mode illa sedan efter så fik han veta att han hade dödat sin bror. Sedan sa läkaren att most liga kvar här i en väka. två dar efter så kom hans syster och kolade hur han mode det första hansa Du ska dö! två dar efter hitade man hans syr ligande på en park benk med ett kobra teken på armen. Sen den dagen blev det en masa mot. tills en dag så blev han skuten i röven och Dog slut."

Evolution or decay, you choose. ;)
amf said:
These essays where written by gymnasium students (equivalent of senior high school in the U.S.). To be allowed to study at a gymnasium you have to be graded "godkänd" (I think the American equivalent is B) or better in Swedish, English and Math.

haha, I think your "gymnasium" is just a school for 2 years or something, isn't it? kinda like gsce in england, i think.
In Germany you just need to have an average of D- or better (but max one E), so everyone is able to enter at least class 11 (of 13) :D
amf said:
These essays where written by gymnasium students (equivalent of senior high school in the U.S.). To be allowed to study at a gymnasium you have to be graded "godkänd" (I think the American equivalent is B) or better in Swedish, English and Math.

"Egen storry. En dag vaknade jag o gick till skolan. när jag komm dit var det ingen som var där, sen tänkte jag efter och kom på att jag inte har sett ett enda persion på vägen till skolan. Det var det märkligaste jag har varit med om. Då började himlen få en ganska mörk röd färg, då förstog jag att världen håller på att gå under, jag viste att jag hade några timmar på mig. så jag gick hem för att såva."

"Det var en gon en Man som hatade Djur. Een tidig somar morgon så blev Johan biten i armen av en jift kobra betet var så kraftigt att det drabade hans gärna så kraftigt så att han helt plötsligen kuna gör vad som hels för att död som en kobra. Helt plötsligen gav han på sin brosa och bet i gäl honom. Dan efter så låg han på sjukhust och mode illa sedan efter så fik han veta att han hade dödat sin bror. Sedan sa läkaren att most liga kvar här i en väka. två dar efter så kom hans syster och kolade hur han mode det första hansa Du ska dö! två dar efter hitade man hans syr ligande på en park benk med ett kobra teken på armen. Sen den dagen blev det en masa mot. tills en dag så blev han skuten i röven och Dog slut."

Evolution or decay, you choose. ;)

Holy shit, even I could have spelled that better. :grin: I choose decay, you win, haha!!
I think it's safe to say that this is not an example of the average student though, at least not on gymnasium.
But I'm aware that many ppl have severe problems with orthography even in their mothertongue. And I could get excited over the recent reform of German orthography now but I won't. All I'm saying is that I'm strongly against it. So much for my liberality :Saint:
Man, those Swedish essays.. decay! decay!

When I read the post I figured you were talkng about German Gymnasium students, but then I noticed you were from Sweden. So yeah, I could spell better than that. And the content isn't entirely comlpex, either.
Gaunerin said:
Holy shit, even I could have spelled that better. :grin: I choose decay, you win, haha!!
I think it's safe to say that this is not an example of the average student though, at least not on gymnasium.
But I'm aware that many ppl have severe problems with orthography even in their mothertongue. And I could get excited over the recent reform of German orthography now but I won't. All I'm saying is that I'm strongly against it. So much for my liberality :Saint:
Those are extreme cases yea, but the language skills is very low over all, both among adults and kids. Pains a grammar nazi like me to see. :erk:
But it's good to see there's a language-conservative in you too. ;)

In the recent language reform in Germany, did they remove the ß or is it still there?
amf said:
In the recent language reform in Germany, did they remove the ß or is it still there?

It is not entirely removed. If it had to be replaced, then why not completely? The German language is not in need of this letter. It doesn't make sense.
But since ß still exists, I'm still using it as I always did and I will continue doing so until I get in real trouble at work. From 1998 to August 2005 both new and old orthography were valid which means that by current standards I'm writing the wrong way :err:
The reform was supposed to make things easier (or adapt to the incompetence of folk :grin: ) but apart from a few things it didn't.
That "ß" vs "ss" thingy is just the top of the iceberg. It's getting really interesting if you start looking at capitalisation or whether smth should be written in one word or two. German has never been easy in that aspect...but I don't see how the reform changed that for the better.
In the case of 'ß', it's still used after long sounds, right? As in verbal diphthongs etc. So eg. weiß, no weiss; but wissen, not wißen. And dass, not the former daß.

Whoa, I've had one beer too many.
but yor still right. through the reform the orthography is a bit more logical regarding the ß. earlier you wrote "ein Faß" (one barrel) but "zwei Fässer" although the vowel is short in both versions.

and if you argue against the ß because it could be possible to write ss instead, you should remove letters like c, x and z, too, and write k/ts, ks and ts instead.

but i don't understand why the reform is geared to the pronunciation on the one hand and enforces triple-consonants aswell on the other hand. the word "Schifffahrt" embodies 3 fs for it consists of the two elements "Schiff" and "Fahrt" althogh the fs melt together when spoken.
Thidrek said:
through the reform the orthography is a bit more logical regarding the ß. earlier you wrote "ein Faß" (one barrel) but "zwei Fässer" although the vowel is short in both versions.

As for the logic around "ss" you might want to check out an essay about just that. :)

And I certainly don't want to argue against the ß...they should not have touched it at all.
Well, Swedish sounds great because it always sounds somewhat like it is being sung! The bouncy tone gives that kind of effect. I'll find out more specifically in 48 hours, when I will be in Sweden ;)