If only they kept it as a double album..

Masters Apprentice

Nov 2, 2002
THe OlWOZau Wha.e HUH?
Well instead of a double album magnum opus, Opeth have came up with two albums that give a generally "good" listening experience. No one remembers the first time they ever heard a good album a year later, or ever gives it any thought when it comes to thinking of your favourite album but if Deliverance and Damnation were released the way Opeth intended we could have had the greatest album ever.

For me, Deliverance was amazing, but it wasn't as good as the other brutal album, My Arms Your Hearse. Damnation was good too but far far too accessible(already sick of some of the songs..) which is a major flaw when you consider that one the fundamental aspects of the popularity of Opeth's music previously has been listening to it for the 20th time and still discovering cool segments and passages in the songs.

But if the two had been released together, the entire package would have been so much more, they'd have been seen as the same recording package that they are and although we know right now that they are meant to be a twin album set, through the eyes of most people and the eyes of history they will be seen as seperate entities and judged accordingly. People will see them as samey and like people are already saying on this board, that Mikael "ran out of ideas" and that's why they both sound the same :rolleyes:

This is not a question of how good you think either are, but of the greed of Music For Nations wanting two albums instead of the double album Opeth themselves wanted. They have ruined the magnum opus that Mikael mentioned so many times when talking about the whole D1 and D2 project.

So as this just isn't a rant, would you have preferred two seperate albums or the double album and why?
I think the double album would've been cooler, just aesthetically and from a fan point of view...that's how Opeth wanted it (at least, at first...). Shit, both albums were recorded at the same time, it's like they're the same album anyway, but not really...

I already enjoy both albums, but a double cd would've been that much cooler!
I completely understand why they did what they did though. And yes. I would have totally preferred to have had these two albums in the same jewel case. It's like twins separated at birth.

I see what you mean. With the two considered as one...definitely would have been one of, if not the best album of the year...for me at least. Hands down.
Yeah, I understand why MFN released two albums instead of 1 too as well, more casual non-Opeth fans would rather buy two seperate albums at £13 each than buy one at £18 for some reason. So it was to get more sales, which is basically them sacrificing quality(of the product) for quantity(of sales).
Also if the label released them as one, they wouldn't have had as much individual exposure or sales. This way the label profits from two separate tours rather than one. The band profits from two tours though. And that's cool.
i agree that from a fans perspective, The double album release wouldve been "cooler" but it does make sense the way they did it, and i dont think mike or the band really care...and i wouldnt say that releasing damnation later has stripped it of its qualities by any means, i think its sweet. but i understand your point...
Masters Apprentice said:
For me, Deliverance was amazing, but it wasn't as good as the other brutal album, My Arms Your Hearse. Damnation was good too but far far too accessible(already sick of some of the songs..) which is a major flaw when you consider that one the fundamental aspects of the popularity of Opeth's music previously has been listening to it for the 20th time and still discovering cool segments and passages in the songs.

So you wouldn´t get sick of the songs if they were on a double release :err: I don´t think it matters tough if they are released seperately or together... 1 double album with lousy material is no better than 2 albums. Hmmm... ok :)
I am sure that the double release would have been better, but for the band and label, the double release is the more profitable choice (although the band didn't want it that way at first), which means more Opeth in the future (hopefully).
I too agree that Deliverance/Damnation should of been released togther.

I would think though that it was ultimately Opeth's decision based on the "suggestion" of the record label to release them seperately. The bottom line of any musician is to increase the fanbase. This may piss off some core followers, but it is still a business, and there are risks associated with growth. - that being gaining some new fans at the expense of losing some old ones.
I always figured Opeth usually went against the option which made them more popular or pleased their fans. I mean they did Morningrise which was arguably the album that made people take notice of them, and what followed was for me, the heaviest album to date. Then Blackwater Park put them into almost mainstream rock category in terms of the fanbase(NOT the music) and they released Deliverance after that, and as we all know that's the one they claim is the heaviest.

Oh and to "Mayh" :
I'm thinking in overall terms of quality, an album with both Deliverance and Damnation is greater than releasing Damnation and Deliverance as seperate entities. They were both written in the knowledge that it would be a double album and then it was changed, personally I don't think Damnation is strong enough on it's own to be one of the greats, and neither is Deliverance but if they both were together then that album would no doubt be one of the most celebrated metal releases of all time. And that's my point.
No, I take the other route here. I believe (strongly!) it was the right decision to have em released separately.

Opeth is not just a disc, it's an experience. And they (each) take time to absorb. It's mass overkill getting them at the same time. A horrible decision of which one to play.. with only have 1 brain and 1 set of ears, it's too hard having 2 new disc at the same time.

Plus, this way we get two separate and different tour packages to look forward to...so from a fan-point it's more more more icing....
I've changed my mind on this over time. I'm glad they did this, so I'm able to see that each is able to stand on its own as a great album. I agree that a double album would have been monumental, but that was never the plan anyway.
yeah i need at least a few months to digest deliverance.

now at least i can view both albums for what their are, not massive opeth overload!
I have to agree, when I first heard the Damnation material, I thought this would have worked far better mixed with the Deliverance songs, on a double CD.

Anyway who knows, MFN might want to issue a 'special edition' of both albums together to milk the albums some more, at a later stage.
redblueyes-"It's mass overkill getting them at the same time. A horrible decision of which one to play.. with only have 1 brain and 1 set of ears, it's too hard having 2 new disc at the same time."

:lol: Noo, it's not a problem. Just choose! :lol: This would be a good thing! :lol: No mass hysteria. "Double your pleasure, double your fun!" Two Opeth CDs at once. :) Woohoo!

In the long run, I agree it's the right route for the band. Their ability to profit is much greater. Personally, as a fan, the only upside is two tours. Getting two CDs at once...no problem! More more more icing! Right? Yes? No? Maybe so?

I haven't heard all of DAMNATION (just bits and pieces) but I have to say that I prefer that the band released them seperately. DELIVERANCE is absolutely perfect as it is and, just like someone said before, it would be too much of a good thing. I find that all of the other Opeth albums take more time to get into than some double-disc releases from other bands... I can just imagine trying to tackle the daunting task of trying to absorb something that expansive. I would probably ending of just switching back and forth between the two discs, so it would in the end take LONGER to appreciate the material as a whole. This way, I have a chance to enjoy all of the subtleties of DELIVERANCE before I dive into the rest of DAMNATION. Besides, I've got a whole catalogue of other Opeth albums I want to keep appreciating... :)