If you could have any afterlife what would it be?


Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
I'm not talking about what you actually believe in, but what afterlife would be the most appealing to you?

I would want to be a spirit that would wander around the Universe. I could find out all of the mystery's, walk around where I lived, and in general watch everyone.
*edit* Don't turn this into a stupid religious debate either
Eternal infinitely more awesome than an orgasm feeling in every way possible.
^so you want to be Tara Reid?
First of all I would return to Earth as an omnipotent being. I'd godmode around and do all that stuff I never got to do during my lifetime, and once I'm done with that I'd start fucking with the laws of physics.
I'd want to be some undead creature along the lines of a vampire. Having badass powers, super senses, and preying on the living would be awesome, but most importantly the ability to still interact with the world.
I'd travel back in time to ancient Rome, destroy every trace of Christianity, then reign as Jupiter over an empire without end.

Because having an afterlife would make me a god, would it not?
I would become the God of erection. And the erection of every man's penis would depend on my will.
Mine would involve an endless supply of pizza and beer, and sex with Zhang Ziyi everyday (possibly multiple times per day (okay, I suppose the concept of a day probably wouldn't even apply in the afterlife in which case I would just be having constant sex for eternity with no reference to days)).