Quotable quotes:
"Earlier this week, Noisey
published an interview with Richard “Pope Richard” Weeks about his new anti-fascist black metal project, Gaylord. The band’s debut release,
The Black Metal Scene Needs to Be Destroyed, caused quite a stir within the metal community with its uncompromising aesthetic and song titles like “Odin Doesn't Listen to NSBM You Inbred Alt-right Shitheels” and “Neo-nazi Metalheads Will Be Hanged and Their Broken Corpses Openly Mocked.” Gaylord comes nipping at the heels of Neckbeard Deathcamp, an even more militant project whose debut,
White Nationalism is for Basement Dwelling Losers, exploded onto the scene earlier this summer in a shower of Nazi tears, and ended up copping a deal with Prosthetic Records to further their propaganda onslaught."
All this "exploded" onto the scene apparently. I've never heard of any of this. Then again, I listen to art for the white intellectual elite.
"Weeks advocates for direct action against metal fascists, and encourages others to "“to hold them over the fire and push against them. Shut down their shows, write music, call out people in Burzum shirts. Be relentless.”"
So edgy and tolerant.
"Where do I find these bands? Gather ‘round, friends, because I’m about to share something wonderful. Since 2009, the venerable
RABM blog has been one of the greatest resources for the liberation-minded metalhead to sniff out ideologically sound new music. RABM (Red and Anarchist Black Metal) is one of those loose non-genre genres with which metal is so rife; it’s a political and aesthetic orientation as opposed to a distinct sound, much like its polar opposite and sworn enemy, NSBM (National Socialist Black Metal, i.e. a catch-all term for white supremacist/Nazi metal horseshit). It’s the closest thing leftist metalheads have to a comprehensive database, outside of the
Encyclopedia Metallum (which does yield some solid results if you search the “lyrical themes” option)."
Marxist black metal. It is 2021 after all.