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Cuthalion said:
Well now that i think about i would like to live in a big fruit salad too becouse other fruit probably would not judge you on behalf of your fruit type persuation:)

oh, come on, she wasn't judging you. i go on a message board, my user title says "taller then jesus", someone points out it should read than: that doesn't mean that i'm being discriminated because of my height. it's a possible reply, the world's not out to get you.

besides, the pineapple is obviously the noblest of fruit.
Well i said that i don't even want to start a discussion about this, or even a race war:)
and i surely don't think that the world is out to get me (though you can never be sure nowdays :) ) It was just that i am so sick of nationalism in any form becouse i get that everyday IRL with all the rednecks in my country and i just want to talk about different topics. Like for example everything connected to music, DT, guitars, literature...

"fruit baskets is like life: until you’ve got the pineapple off'f the top you never know what’s underneath." - "Going Postal" by Terry Pratchett
I don't know if this is the right tread to talk about this but are here any Terry Pratchett fans here. I just can't get enough, i have read about 20 books from his discworld series and have around 10 left.
well i'm new but i didn't post my first thing in this topic! :Spin:
i am from Belgium. I play the guitar but i cant find any band :yell: cuz not a lot of people likes metal in my village... and none of my friends really do...
i listen to Dark Tranquillity, Metallica, Children Of Bodom,... and my mom says its 'barbarian' music :erk:
oh by the way, i'm a girl (but i hate pink! lol)
@dark silence: i like (1) pineapple; (2) absurdity; (3) not needing a reason. :)

@marduk: maybe, in a future life, if i'm really good and walk the path of the righteous, i will reach such heights. for now i am - alas - a mortal man.
this can be fixed:

yeah but i don't know if life is supposed to be funny or disgusting... but since it's art, that might as well be in the eye of the beholder...
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