I'm New -------- If this is you, post here.

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Welcome, Bringer.
I kinda like ^ that guy. :)

I guess i never introduced myself. Until this moment i have remained shrouded in mystery (except for a couple of you who have pmed me and gotten a reply with my name in it), but no more. Even though i'm no longer a complete newbie on here, i formally introduce myself.

Alex; 18; Cuernavaca, Mexico (born Cardiff, Wales); studying genomics; love Dark Tranquillity and a couple of other bands; singer, keyboard player, guitar player in the making. Err.. anything else?
Welcome, KiwiCam! :wave:
After some time devoted to thorough dissection of the mentioned album I am taking back my words of doubt and fully agree with you. The solo in Von Unauschprechlichen Kulten is the moment of moments for me. :)
newbies newbies on the wall, welcome. :)

mr. moderator (of unholy doom, if you prefer): close-this-thread. it's way too big.
hey everyone
well, since i'm new here i guess this would be the topic to start with :)
I'm from Belgium and i'm 19 years 'old'.
I first heard DT 'bout three years ago. The first song I got to know was Lethe and it's still my favourite :) It has also been my nickname from that day forward.
Besides DT I also love Hypocrisy, Strapping Young Lad, In Flames, Norther, etc. etc. to name a few of 'em :)
Well I guess that covers the most...
I'm new here.
I don't really know what to say except that I love Dark Tranquillity, that's the most important thing I guess, right? =P
Oh, and I'm a Swede and I study Chinese :)
welcome aboard Lethe and scaleo. :wave:

everyone else new: post something about yourselves. :)
Lethe said:
If you hold back anything, I'll kill ya. If you bend the truth or I think your bending the truth, I'll kill ya. If you forget anything I'll kill ya. In fact, you're gonna have to work very hard to stay alive, Nick. Now do you understand everything I've said? Because if you don't, I'll kill ya. - Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (Rory Beaker) -

I prefer - "You're carrying a bag of fertilizer and a wasted girl. Not you regular horti-fuckin-culturalist, is it?"

Oh, and BTW, welcome to the forum, Lethe` and scaleo :wave:
yeah, that's a nice quote too :p or this one:

Bacon: Harry didn't think that he did a very good job, so he grabbed the nearest thing to hand, which just so happened to be a 15 inch black rubber cock, and proceeded to beat poor old Smithy to death with. And that was seen as a nice way to go. Now, that, is why you pay Hatchet Harry, when you owe.

:D I just love that movie :)
Guess I should post here too..

Loc: Outside Stockholm, Sweden
Age: 26
Doing: Trying to merge my two main interests, metal music and photography into a career. Doing pretty good, so far.
First metal concert: Metallica, Globe arena, 18 Dec 1992.

Cheers :)
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