I'm New -------- If this is you, post here.

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Welcome on board Qsilver and OpethChild23 : )
(Opeth rule!!!! anyone who disagrees???? hmmm )

Well,I am addicted to this board....so expect to see me around much
These days I am exactly what my nickname suggest...a walking misery... Another sad day but I will soon go to bed...
I feel I have nothing interesting to say these days..my posts are boring

somebody shove me please,I need to come out from this big void....

I'm not technicaly "new" to this board, cause i've been posting in DT's forums since the very first forum they had, in 1998. but yeah, I'm new to all you guys, and girls, I hope to have fun here. By the way.........are there any girls????? :heh:
erm, might wanna take a look above your post bud :grin: yeah, astarte is a female, other than that...not entirely sure. Some have speculated |ngenious is, but we may never know, we just assume hes a robot.

Um, Yeah i was born myself as well, I live in fun fun farming town Los Banos California, in good ol USA. Um, Ive been depressed a lot lately, but I listen to a lot of metal and I feel better hehe. This forum rules and welcome all.

Favorite Bands: In Flames
Dark Tranquillity, Children of Bodom, Soilwork, Vintersorg, Sentenced, The Forsaken, Iced Earth, Amorphis, Lilitu, Kalmah, Evergrey, Arch Enemy, Borknagar and many many many others. Just so you get an idea of my musical taste :grin:
should i post here, considering that i never did? i know i don't contribute with anything interesting but lately i've had lots of free time (just look at my post count. i blame it on the opeth forum!) :goggly:
i am new to this forum! well not really i read it more that i write cos half (most) the time i've nothing worth saying!!! and i miss the dt ezboard (even all the fuckin pop ups) and ultimate metal wouldnt let me have my GrandeurOfMelancholy so now i am GrandMelancholy which doesn't have the same ring and i just wished i saw dt in paris in 2000..and i'll probably not the chance to see them again thats so shit, everything is.... oh i am so tired :rolleyes:
:bah: i love this emoticon...

think i'm drunk again
so Qsilver, you're a dog aren't ya???? ;)
welcome to everybody and have a nice flight on this board...fasten your seatbelts and get something to eat during the trip, 'cause the board is about to take off :)

and final_vision, |ngenius is a male robot, I've seen him, but I also know sometimes he doubts about what he is (see Gender Bender :lol: )

FatherVic (who likes the idea of this thread ;P)
Heh, there's a picture on our fridge's door. There is a wheaten terrrier surfing on internet and a text above says:
'This is what a wheaten terrier does when his master is not home'
I'm not wheaten terrier but very near, a heathen terrier. And as you can see our hobbies are pretty similar. That also explains why I'm not very often online. Well, I gotta go and drink last cold beers from that aforementioned fridge. (My master doesn't let me drink alcohol 'cause I'm only 2,5 years old and that's not 18 in human years yet)
good to know, good to know....always been interested on what dogs used to do while their masters where away....
I live in a terrarium (I'm an iguana) and so I can't do much when my master is out....it's a shame

BTW: I'm not an iguana, just said that to make you feel better considering that I'm an animal. Iguanas can't talk. Nor can't type. I'm a melon :)
ehmmmmmm it's hard to say....
melon here has the same meaning as in English buuuuuut, here it also can be understood as "dumb". It's a word I use a lot with some friends... " que pasa melón!" would be "wasaaap melon"
I know in English it hasn't much sense, but here does (a little in an specific area (I suppose))

And as I liked it that much some guys called me back melon, and that's why I put MasterMelon, because I'm the dumbest of all them :p

and you???? you're not that hairy and big to call yourself a troll, or at least you must suffer a lot with the hot wax ;p (or epilady)
wow,I wasn't expecting such a reply..i have always thought you know that you probably like melons and stuff :lol:
yeah,i've got a vivid imagination :p

btw,oh yes,i know que pasa...so hmm hola+que+pasa=3 spanish words! i'm doing progress.....hehe

Hmmmmm no trouble with wax and epilady....now that i have left my deep cave I was turned into a normal being....or almost....still there's sth on me that reminds me of the troll days....NO! i don't have a tail haha.hmmm Mortiis has the same problem...and no there's nothing strange with my nose....so know you know why i am a troll = )
ah,what am i writing???!!???confessions again... Hmmm This post will be automatically deleted after you've read it.... :lol:

hAiLs! Jag är KaPtEn SkAlD, sailing the seven seas here and there.
I like to play guitar when my ship isn't sinking
check out the music which the wind and water cast over me.

login: "neocrima"
passwd: "w3li$t3n"

it's 1.5 years old stuff, new is more professional and coming soon.

Hi yo tambien soy nuevo aqui.... jejeje
I'm a new here, and .....
my english is bad...
I'm fanatic of Black-Doom-Death metal bands!!!!
groups like My Dying Bride, Dissection,Bolt Thrower, Dark Tranqullity, etc.:heh:
welcome depth, and don't worry, my English is not that good too..

@mel, trolls do have tail??? I thougt not, I see them much more as some kind of ugly bigfoot!:)
Please, a minute of silence. This thread has died, killed by another fuckin' newbie that introduces himself with a stupid thread. I feel sorry for Final_Vision, that worked hard on this thread, hehehe. :lol:
well, I guess that I'm not really new, since I used to post here in april/march.

anyhow, those of you able to find meaning in the words "mehr über mich erfahrt ihr auf www.neosophia.de , vielleicht müßt ihr ein wenig suchen" will find that, there.

to the rest : I am about to turn 23, live in southern germany (the town of landshut, so-called captial of lower bavaria, tend to avoid capital letters, am studying english and spanish. (and don't expect me to communicate en espaniol, cause if only just started and I'm doing pretty bad so far.)

some people have called me wise, but I am not. don't let anybody fool you.
I tend to philosophize a lot, write some mediocre poetry, and am generally aware of the fact that I am just like anybody, except maybe for the small detail that I have realized this.

my musical taste do include DT among my personal top3 :) and apart from that stuff from almost all genres of metal/rock, a lot of celtic music, folk and some other stuff.

furthermore I tend to be rather long winded.

let me finally add that I am not good looking (you can find some pics on www.neosophia.de) but should you not care, live in acceptable distance and are both female and interested in sexual intercourse, feel free fo contact me. :)

there, now you know me.

pleased to meet you all.
tach auch,

ich blaub du bist hier der einzige von jenseits des weisswurstäquators in good ol' germany, kann das sein? die paar, die's hier sonst noch so gibt, kommen eher aus dem norden...
naja, schönen tach noch, und...
O'zapft is!

p.s. sorry @ all the non-german-speaking persons... won't do it again...:heh:
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