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nah, I still can't see'em with tail. And well I see them much more like mountainside cousin of the bigfoot. Really hairy. Like mixing a man and vultureculture :loco: but not that ugly ;)
Originally posted by FatherVic
nah, I still can't see'em with tail. And well I see them much more like mountainside cousin of the bigfoot. Really hairy. Like mixing a man and vultureculture :loco: but not that ugly ;)


yeah, when i picture trolls their like green. No tail, big and burly and shit like that. Or maybe their pink and small and wear dresses who knows........
Originally posted by FatherVic
nah, I still can't see'em with tail. And well I see them much more like mountainside cousin of the bigfoot. Really hairy. Like mixing a man and vultureculture :loco: but not that ugly ;)

Not bad. Reminds me of a great artist, Larry MacDougall


@Melancholia:err:: evil?

That image is of a character of mine. I played it in AD&D... he was a Swamp Troll Peacekeeper. He never hurted anyone, was a convinced pacifist and always tried to end all conflicts.
He had a highly developed culture, similar to that of roman diplomats.

In spite of all troll stereotypes that want troll stupid and aggressive.

I thought he had a pretty tranquil gaze... surely not an aggressive look... it wasn't meant to look evil...
@vultureculture&criminal: langsam reitn, cowboys! i wohn ned amoi fuchzg kilometer vom criminal weg im nach verwesungsgestank duftenden straubing! vo weng oisse bloss nordliachta und so... now i guess that even some of you germanists in here could have some problems; i'll keep my dialect for my self in the future
@malveaux: nice, nice drawing and VERY impressive links you showed us there... still copying pictures to my harddisk... i wish i knew to draw but i don't even know how to hold a pencil
Welcome to you newbies.

I am a newbie here myself, as I only have posted about 5 times...

As for me, I am am 17 (only a few days before I turn 18), female, Chinese-Canadian, and am studying Library Tech in college.

I love metal and a few of those blues-rock/metal bands. As for my hobbies, I can make my own clothes and I read a lot (or used to, before I enrolled in college). Chocolate cake and heated cola with lemons are my favorite breakfast along with croissants and anything with potatoes (potatoes are my faves for any meal)...

I am single... and generally cannot find anyone as I am insane and act very odd. My dream is to marry a black metal or death metal band member (I am very interested in those types of music), move to somewhere in Scandinavia and be very happy...

I could think of more things to post but I am starving, not having eaten a full meal for over 27 hours... it is really affecting my ability to think... I think I'll go feed myself now...

Edit: I like booze too...
Well shit, I guess this is me as well.
Nothing interesting about me tho :heh:
I'm 26, originally from Finland, now working in Sweden.
Been to metal music since 12 or so.
Lost my CD's due to an unfortunate incident, so I am slowly building my collection again, favs at the moment include The Black League and In Flames (Jester Race and Whoracle).
Thats about it.
Originally posted by mousewings
As for me, I am am 17 (only a few days before I turn 18), female, Chinese-Canadian, and am studying Library Tech in college.

wow, d'you know i work in a library? we could talk about libraries all day, for hours on end, and... ... ... then again, maybe not. :p

Originally posted by mousewings
heated cola with lemons

wgffgs... what did you just said? :eek:
*runs to the gentlemen's quarters with a hand over his mouth*

Originally posted by mousewings
My dream is to marry a black metal or death metal band member (I am very interested in those types of music),

hey, i'm pretty much into death metal myself, but why would i want to marry a member? i mean, i like bears a lot, but marrying one, now...
one thing i found out growing up was that the more you're interested in someone or the thing he/she does, the less you should be thinking about marrying him/her. ;)

I knew people would actually want a cookie. FUCK WHAT DID I GET MYSELF INTO! let me go get it........ *runs into his car and peels of into the distance*

- Final Vision: Trying way to hard to emulate the simpsons "run out the door and into his car peel out" scenario........
Hey im new here as well.
I am a 18 year old guy from canada that loves his music!! heh

As for the comparison between genres, speed metal took the speed and DIY attitude of Hardcore Punk music and combined them with Metal’s precision, guitar solos and lyrical content. It sounds alot like thrash overall. Power metal is pretty much the same exept guitar riffs are usually less technical and are usually more "heavy".

My definition of Speed Metal = Angra!
My definition of Power Metal = Anonymus!!!!
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