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Hello everyone, this is my first time posting on this board. I am a regular on the Opeth board (PLEASE don't hold that against me:D ).

I have just picked up Damage Done last week and I must say it is definitely the best cd I've heard this year. As a result, I've gone back to DT's older releases to enjoy them again.

My insight (and I'm sure this has been discussed before) it that the Mind's I and Projector cds really marked the creative growth/turning point for the band. Although I like The Gallery, The Mind's I is such an amazing leap forward, and Projector continues the growth.

Anyways, my questions are-
Is The Mind's I or Projector considered the band's turning point?
What is generally considered to be DT's best cd?
I would have said Projector a month ago, but Damage Done just may be the best thing DT's ever done.

Thanks for your indulgence.
Hey welcome....I should probably leave this to the amazing Dr. Tranquillity (aka Villain :p ) but my 2 cents.

The fav album among fans tends to be The Gallery, tho it seems that DD has been gettin gon a few fav lists these days :) Its really a matter of opinion considering the whole catalog is brilliant :)

Id say Projector would be the bigger turning point, TMI heavier and proggier than The Gallery but Projector has heavier keyboard influences and obviosuly the clean vocals, which carried over to Haven. Keyboards still being a big part of the sound (tho toned down).

Hope that made more sense, and definitly check out everything DT's done :headbang:
By "turning point" I mean the actual song structures were becoming much more varied and experimental. It seems to me the stuff up to and including the Gallery was somewhat formulatic. I'm not saying that in a bad way, they invented this formula, they were very good at it, and a lot of people (myself included) really enjoyed this formula.
As for getting all their cds, I have them all already (well, except Enter Suicidal Angels).
I really like the Swedish melodic death sound. I somewhat prefer early In Flames to early DT, but I much prefer recent DT to recent In Flames.
than TMI definitly, lots of time changes and much more proggy than prior things.

Well than nevermind! :p Welcome to the board :) and Ill agree with you on the latter ;)
welcome, dolphz, and thank you for your input. :)
i'm sorry i merged this thread with the one for newbies to introduce themselves... i also pm'd you about it, look how nice i am. ;)

i guess projector is considered a major turning point, either for good or bad, but most fans - again, for better or worse - reckon now the most experimental traits are under control again, and both haven and damage done stick to most of the rules for melodic death metal, while at the same time adding new elements and a much fresher sound.

Well I'm new too, that's why I post this... kinda obvious!
Anyways, I'm 17 years old, female, from Sweden. I've recently discovered that the only good thing my country has to offer is its metal music, so I'm trying my best to get into most of them. I already love Opeth, Katatonia and the Haunted, and recently I picked up Damage Done... which is my first Dark Tranquillity album, so I confess... I'm an ignorant idiot when it comes to this band, but what the hell :) You gotta start somewhere... and I love that album... so if I ever get enough money, I'll be buying their older albums as well...
Other uninteresting info about me... I live in a small small small town, am a language student, planning to move anywhere else on the planet some day... and yeah.... that's it. Won't waste your precious time anymore. :) Right now, anyway.
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