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ok i'm new here so... i'm 20 and live in Minsk, that's in Belarus (former USSR actually). I'm a great metal fan and listen almost everything except brutal death and grind :p I think nothing more yet. And sorry for my bad english.
P.S. Arghh... I lied... Cannibals rule:headbang:
Igor are you a battler? You remind me of thucth with your name and all... If tho, i would be glad to uthe your thervitheth :D
oh, thorry to dithappoint you mith Thiren....but I'm not a butler...I'm jutht Igor, the odd-job man....

I think butlerth mutht walk properly, and have both eyeth at the thame high...but lurching ith my way, I can't help it...
but of courth, if my thervitheth are needed, I'm alwayth willing to help :)

Originally posted by Igor
but of courth, if my thervitheth are needed, I'm alwayth willing to help :)

That's exactly what i've been waiting for :devil:

Oh wait..... Igor is such a sweetie (so far at least :p) that i can't torture him :cry:


Just tell us a bit more about yourself :)
Uhmmm well that'th what people who hathn't theen me live thay...it'th the ordinary treatment among Igorth....

oh! pardon my naive preliminary movementth...but how can I change thith horrible (yet matching) avatar???

@Igor: you need 20 posts before you can change your avatar. then you just go in profile-->edit options-->change avatar :)
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