I'm trying to recruit a "mainstreamer" to our side.. Which cd?

Jun 10, 2002
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I have a friend at school that looks like he really likes music. He's brought up band's he's liked a few times in the few months I've known him. I've never talked to him about music before today.

Today I was talking to another friend of mine (we all have the same class) about how I finally watched The Wizard of Oz synced up with Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon." He overheard and started asking questions about them after he found out that they were my favorite band. He asked me if I liked punk, and I explained how punk was a movement against progressive rock in the early 80's and that I didn't care for it much. I also tried to explain what prog was a little, while trying not to bore him. He seemed pretty interested, and somehow we got on the topic of death metal. He said "Like what?" followed by "Slipknot?" "Cradle of Filth?" Nothing wrong with those bands, not my thing. He seemed pretty suprised when I said I liked heavier stuff.

He asked me to burn him my "heaviest cd." I'm going to burn him a cd, but not my heaviest. I don't want to turn him off by giving him a Carcass cd or something. Nothing wrong with Carcass, just not the best band for beginners. So I started thinking that maybe I should burn him an Opeth cd, since they were one of the band's that got me into death metal.

*I was thinking I should burn MAYH for him since its accesible but probably still very heavy for someone new to the genre. Should I burn him MAYH, another Opeth release, or a different cd all together? Thanks.
I second that... Blackwater Park...
Although Still Life would be a good choice too...
I agree with the tought that MAYH is too heavy for beginners...
Randle McMurphy said:
I second that... Blackwater Park...
Although Still Life would be a good choice too...
I agree with the tought that MAYH is too heavy for beginners...
I agree that BP or SL are the best death metal albums for beginners, but I want to deliver on the "I want something really heavy" part of what he said too.

And Mr. Niel, I think Meshuggah might be a littttle to "techy" for a beginner :p Imagine Meshuggah being the first death metal you've ever heard. wall.. of.. noise.
Mr. Niel said:
Meshuggah is Death Metal?

If he wants heavy, you're not going to get heavier than Meshuggah.
"Extreme metal," k?

He wants heavy.. but I don't think he realizes how heavy, heavy can get. So I need something heavy that'll "oh shit" him but not scare him away.
in flames would be a perfect choice for a noob to the genre... as would opeth.. I'd say Blackwater Park.. it takes most people a long time to get into MAYH so he may be turned off by it. In Flames got me in Death Metal and it's many sub-genres.. not too brutal or heavy, very melodic, catchy.. I'd start with Clayman or Whoracle although TJR will always be my favorite IF cd
My Arms Your Hearse is the hraviest, and is amazing, he should be impressed by it, but it is possibly too heavy. I'd say BWP is third heaviest and may be a good choice. Still Life isn't too heavy. A punk rock fan may not get interested in metal though, considering how different the goals of the two are...
If you want to burn him a really heavy CD, give him Origin's Infomas Infinitas Inhumanitas.

If you wanna go for an Opeth CD, go with My Arms Your Hearse.