In b4 pod tact patch request

+100000 on the colors! :D

Congrats Joey, I've been listening to your work for about 5 years now, and to watch and hear you grow has been a AWESOME experience. I'm turning 18 in a few months and getting ready to get a house and build and start up a studio, and to be quite honest, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have had the inspiration to start recording. And ever since then, it's changed my life. I record and mix almost every day now in my room in my 2 bedroom apartment, and I'm expanding my horizons as time goes on, and your the main man to thank. You proved to me that you don't need a professional studio built out in the middle of a forest with millions of $ worth of equipment to achieve such an epic sound.

So thank you so much Joey, for making me start a new career/future in my life, you have no idea what you existence has meant to me. Can't wait to hear what you show the world next! (:
Wanted to say as well that its people like Joey and Brian Hood and anyone else who is quite young and doing this for a living that inspired me to open my studio 4 months ago. Things have been going really solid for me and I'm booked until the end of June which is just making me ecstatic! If it wasn't for the success I've seen from other young engineers in the metal community I never would have had the courage to do it. Being 22 and owning a recording studio is rather awesome :D

Also wanted to say that Joey's ability to work with extremely minimal gear for the sounds he is able to pull is a great reminder of its the person driving the gear, not the equipment making a great record. I think a few people on GS need to have that one bludgeoned into them a few times...