In Flames

Fredy_Brown said:
I mention bands that you know, cause if you won´t know them, how I could describe width of my playlist?
And remember, there is nothing bad about well-knowing bands if they play good, staying in underground is lame in most cases.
And I´ve explained why I am not close-minded, in this thread.QUOTE]

Why is staying underground lame? I like the fact that some of my bands are bands that nobody's heard of.
about this whole troo metal thing- does it really matter if someone likes deftones or mudvayne as well as in flames or arch enemy or cryptopsy or burzum?

do you get slagged off more for liking softer more mainstream bands like those or for liking classical music and jazz? sounds to me like some people on this board have an incredibly narrow interest in music, more concerned with forming themselves into a tribe who worship anything that sells fewer than 10 copies in its year of release...
Lots of people here are fans of Queens of the Stone Age, or say JUDAS PRIEST OR IRON FUCKING MAIDEN!

No, but you're right. I mean, you must be! No popular bands at all.
Fredy_Brown said:
What do I think? Not my cup of teat, but I respect them.

Teat, eh?

My first post. nOOb scum :yuk:. Anyway hello metalheads!
My opinion on this subject is the same as many others, but since older In Flames is some of the best fuckin metal out there I feel i should comment. The Jester Race & Whoracle were two of the best albums in their genre. Whoracle I epecially liked because, although having the basic In Flames elements to it, it sounds different to all the rest of their work. I can't say exactly what makes it different but there's definitley something. Anyway, they were fucking awesome until Reroute to Remain came along and started spoiling it for me and many others. It's all gone downhill from there.
You can tell the newest offering is going to be dodgy just by looking at the art of the front cover! And they wrecked the whole Jester thing by giving it a sad emo face. It's supposed to be an evil grin!! I know it's a minor point, but it says to me that they are trying to appeal to the emo teenager side of metal rather than the death metal fanbase they used to have. Which of course is fucking shit. Back in the days of Whoracle I wouldn't have thought for a second that they'd end up selling out like this. I wonder what went wrong.
How did this thread ever get so long? Old In Flames is good. New In Flames sucks.

End of story?
stompontheplebs said:
Whoracle were two of the best albums in their genre. Whoracle I epecially liked because, although having the basic In Flames elements to it, it sounds different to all the rest of their work. I can't say exactly what makes it different but there's definitley something.

Whoracle sounds a lot like Colony.
Is anyone going to point out that it's Dodens Grav, not Gray?

Few pages ago, I know, but nothing else in this thread worth discussing.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Is anyone going to point out that it's Dodens Grav, not Gray?

Few pages ago, I know, but nothing else in this thread worth discussing.

It took me a while to notice that subtle difference, mostly because of the underlining of member names since they also serve as hyperlinks. And yes, talking about the correct spelling of Dodens Grav is more interesting than about In Flames.
I bought their live album only because I found it for $5 at the local cd store. other than that.. Lunar Strain, Subterranean, and The Jester Race/Black Ash Inheritance are the only albums worth getting from them.. maybe Whoracle and if you can stand a little bit of "new" sound, try Colony.