In Flames

Vital Remains said:
Progress? what the hell are you thinking you god damn psycho. Their music gets less technical with every album. They are slowly turning into a korn clone.
Progress not technically...but by the genres. IF is one of the metal bands that I call "jump metal", they are eneretic and enjoyable so step close to moder rock wasn´t bad idea IMO. People that dig classical Goteborg/MDB could not agree, but they have older albums or tons of other MDM bands. But not as good as IF.
It just dissapoints me that they had some of the best polyphonics and then they exchanged all that greatness with nu-metalish type riffs. The new in flames is pretty catchy sounding but it isnt anything to be remembered. It sounds like something that would be on tv for a while and then dissapear like mudvayne.
Vital Remains said:
It just dissapoints me that they had some of the best polyphonics and then they exchanged all that greatness with nu-metalish type riffs. The new in flames is pretty catchy sounding but it isnt anything to be remembered. It sounds like something that would be on tv for a while and then dissapear like mudvayne.
I can see your point. Yes, they are catchy, I also think they want to bring their music to wider audience....and that poin about TV - IF have still peculiar handwriting and will not dissapear, I think.
Crimson Velvet said:
Funny, 'cause In Flames haven't progressed, they have regressed (in quality, at least).


A change in sound doesn't automatically mean a band is progressing. In Flames is a one-trick pony. They were one of the core melo-death bands and they were very good at that. But they do not have what it takes to take their sound to the next level. Clayman was their last 'good' album and even then you could already see that they had completely run out of ideas and were just plagiarizing themselves. It's good that they realized at that point that it was time for a change. But they simply failed miserably and changed in the wrong direction by dumbing their sound down and doing stupid stuff like having Anders sing clean vocals (the guy can't sing whatsoever, even his growls were mediocre at best). This seems to be a common problem with melo-death bands. Soilwork fell into the same trap.

If you want an example of a band that did 'progress' as it were, look at Dark Tranquillity. Their last two albums are kind of straight forward and back to their original sound a little, but albums like Projector (where they got a little bit more experimental) and Haven (where they got a little more mellow) were in my opinion successful experiments where they tried to expand their sound and actually succeeded. I really do wish they had continued that experimentation instead of regressing back into their original sound, but they're still a solid band.
I really do wish they had continued that experimentation instead of regressing back into their original sound
yuh huh. i think they're plotting to do some wacky shit on the next lp, and i think they'd better, because if they release "damage done part 3" then they're going down the road of irrelevance fast
Colony is a great album but not as good as the jester race or whoracle. I think Glenn Ljungström leaving the band after whoracle might have effected the band. Notice how after Whoracle the band sounds a lot more modern. The band has always been catchy,commerial etc.. but nothing before Colony was nearly as modern or commercial in say an american mainstream way. You can tell the band wants to get very poppy. Clayman does have it's moments but I can't find anything decent about anything after that album.

To bad the guitarist can't give their talents to someone since they will not be using them anymore.
Come Clarity is the only Emo album I find listenable.

That said, I fucking love alot of songs on it.

Take this life, although simplistic, has to have one of their best choruses since like, moonshield or Biosphere or some shit... Well, the clayman chorus is good too.

I have had a distaste for inflames since I saw them live in 2002, but now, I just don't want to be bitter anymore... Come Clarity is catchy and listenable as fuck. Only like, three cringe worthy moments. Three more than any of the pre reroute albums, but about 58 less than post reroute gay.
Fredy_Brown said:
You know, having a few catchy modern rock songs in metal = sounds like KoRn.
Anyway few on sountrack have that production.

Listen to Death Beast to hear how to write catchy songs without being Nu Metal.
Actually the singer for in flames cleans now sound like the guy from korn. I'm not just saying this but think that is why people compare them to korn. Not just because in flames sounds mainstream or changed styles.
King Chaos said:
Come Clarity is the only Emo album I find listenable.

That said, I fucking love alot of songs on it.

Take this life, although simplistic, has to have one of their best choruses since like, moonshield or Biosphere or some shit... Well, the clayman chorus is good too.

I have had a distaste for inflames since I saw them live in 2002, but now, I just don't want to be bitter anymore... Come Clarity is catchy and listenable as fuck. Only like, three cringe worthy moments. Three more than any of the pre reroute albums, but about 58 less than post reroute gay.

I think you're a little confused about what emo is.
Emotional hardcore....

Whatever they're playing it's not metal... and it's awful whiny sounding.

Close enough to emo for me.