Inflames Terrible new vocals

Old Anders=good
New Anders=decent

During some come clarity and Asop songs Anders does an realy good job, especially his clean voice, but i prefer hearing more growls than clean singing by Anders.
There's a reason why people ask if the vocalist is different even when it's from jester-present.
To be fair it could be argued his vocals are not even that good on TJR, without the awesome melodies behind it the vocals would have sounded lame. The few vids of In Flames live around 96-97 show some weak vocal performances, Anders improved a lot from 97 - 99. Whoracle has more polished vocals than TJR and Colony's are IMO superior, probably Anders peak. Then from Clayman Anders began to abandon that style and focus on a more high-pitched, raspy sound.
To be fair it could be argued his vocals are not even that good on TJR, without the awesome melodies behind it the vocals would have sounded lame.
Without music, all vocals sound silly.

Whoracle has more polished vocals than TJR and Colony's are IMO superior, probably Anders peak.
Tbh, on Worlds Within The Margin, when he's growling over keyboards, it sounds incredibly rough. I don't think he improved, though the growls are slightly deeper. The main jump in quality is from Skydancer to TJR. After that it was downhill until Clayman, where his vocals fit perfectly.
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Without music, all vocals sound silly.

Tbh, on Worlds Within The Margin, when he's growling over keyboards, it sounds incredibly rough. I don't think he improved, though the growls are slightly deeper. The main jump in quality is from Skydancer to TJR. After that it was downhill until Clayman, where his vocals fit perfectly.

On skydancer Anders sounds VERY forced :lol: still an good album though.
The main jump in quality is from Skydancer to TJR. After that it was downhill until Clayman, where his vocals fit perfectly.

Have you listened to Colony? Vocals are easily superior to Clayman.
I have been a huge fan of In Flames since I first heard their stuff about years ago and I still love everything they are putting out. I honestly didn't like anything after Clayman for quite sometime because I was a close minded asshole who only listened to metal. I personally love the new stuff and I think it's retarded for anyone to say that Andres sucks. He is great at what he does and just because you don't like it, that doesn't mean it sucks. It simply means that you don't like it and thats the end of it. You all need to stop talking so much shit and just love the great music that is out there. All you assholes out there who are whining about this shit still, get the fuck over it. In Flames changed a long time ago. Take your midol, stop bitching on these forums and get back to sucking your boyfriends dick.

Lol take it easy dude, they only like "true metal".
Clayman is just a more higher pitched version of Colony, but Colony was more brutal for the vocals. But it doesn't mean Reroute was the same type of technique. His acent for one seemed completely different.

You know, my though is that Anders wanted to become more natural and use his natural voice into everything.
Clayman sounds like Anders' voice getting wrecked. Luckily it fits the music well and the production has done A LOT to help, the dubbed/backing vocals in that album save a lot of lines. Anders has definately incorporated a more natural style of screaming/singing into the tracks, I imagine to preserve his voice, it makes sense, he's been screaming for what, going on 20 years now?
anders has the sickest vocals i dont know about his cleans but his screams are too sick seriosly i havent heard a good cover of anders ever
Clayman sounds like Anders' voice getting wrecked. Luckily it fits the music well and the production has done A LOT to help, the dubbed/backing vocals in that album save a lot of lines. Anders has definately incorporated a more natural style of screaming/singing into the tracks, I imagine to preserve his voice, it makes sense, he's been screaming for what, going on 20 years now?

fuck that clayman has the best vocals of anders ever i wish he kept rolling with the clayman style fucking asshole. its on purpose he is a pro
anders has the sickest vocals i dont know about his cleans but his screams are too sick seriosly i havent heard a good cover of anders ever

DE4life has a nice growling voice, kind of has a slight young-sounding accent, but too fucking bad he has the rhythm of a retarded ape.
Honestly dude, listen to melodeath songs in general and tell me how much 'rhythm' you hear there :D if you can do better, step up to the plate and show me, otherwise, be quiet.
Anders performance on Jester Race and Whoracle sounded too gravelly and sounded like he was taking a massive turd while eating dirt at the same time.

Colony is where i think he sounded actually decent, then Clayman his voice started to seem strained but it still sounded alright at times. I guess eating all the dirt and doing huge turds took a toll on his voice.

Reroute to Remain really just continued the Clayman trend. Anything after that point that comes out of his mouth reminds me something that comes out of a dogs anus. I bet Anders breath smells like that too.
To be fair, if you listen to Anders actual screams on STYE and CC they aren't so bad. In fact, they're better than Reroute and sound healthier than Clayman. The issue lies in the songs being no where near as good and the lyrics often being sorta shitty. Plus the increase in mostly lame clean vocals.

ASOP screams, however, are way downhill.
Honestly dude, listen to melodeath songs in general and tell me how much 'rhythm' you hear there :D if you can do better, step up to the plate and show me, otherwise, be quiet.

I guess what I should have said is that your lines aren't in que with the rhythm sometimes. Other than that it was a nice cover.
fuck covers, make your own shit i will battle anyone and i will fucking own you im a riff kind bring it on .. covers are for the people who always come in second place.
I guess what I should have said is that your lines aren't in que with the rhythm sometimes. Other than that it was a nice cover.

Yeah, I know... can't be bothered to fix it now though. Thanks anyway, I appreciate the feedback minus insults :kickass: