Black Sabbath - Paranoid. Still remember my uncle giving me this album at the tender age of 10...I was warped! I mean how many kids bring a Sabbath record to show and tell and have them play Iron Man to the class?
Jethro Tull - Aqualung - My uncle when he came to the states (he was born in Greece) was corupted by an American girl and rock n roll!

To this day I can't go too long without busting out the flute maestro!!!
Marillion - Clutching at Straws - This album is perfection in every aspect and it has some of the best lyrics...possibly THE BEST lyrics I have ever heard! Besides there is some emotional value attached to this.
Dream Theater - Images and Words - I can't think of anything recent that has made my jaw drop since the day I picked up this still kicks my ass!
Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes - I first heard this hanging out with a friend of mine and we were listening to it in her car. I looked over at her and she was crying...She said something like "Tony, she is describing my life in her songs" I then realized what powerful lyrics and emotion radiated from this album. AMAZING!
Yngwie Malmsteen - Rising Force - I haven't been able to get into Mr. Malmsteen in a long ass time, still to this day the album has to rank as one of the best ever instrumental albums that kicked off a whole new genre and the meaning of neo-classical guitar. He was original and you have to give him credit for that!
Rainbow - Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow - Although this might not be my favorite (Long Live Rock n Roll) it introduced me to one of the greatest vocalist ever in Metal. If you don't know who that is, you have no reason in existing in this forum!
Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell - Not many bands can come up with two albums that are grounbreaking material...Sabbath is a rare case! They are THE MASTERS!
Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast - Once again not my favorite album and I was fairly into the previous two albums but hearing Bruce Dickinson for the first time was like WOW! I know he sang with Samson before but it was with Iron Maiden that kick started his Lordship!
Pink Floyd - Wish you were Here - So much great stuff to come out of the minds of Barret and Waters but this album just flored me. Although I think The Wall or Dark Side of the Moon is what Pink Floyd will be known for, for me this album is it!
Rush - 2112 - How can you not have a Rush album?!? How many progressive rock bands owe their soul to the Canadian Trio? I am willing to bet a lot! Take off...AYE!
Queensryche - Rage for Order - Is this fucken album amazing or what? Don't answer that if you're stupid!
I can write this forever but let me stop here or I might just need to open up a new board! Cheers, Tony