Introducing ourselves.

Happy chanukkah to you too Hill. I wish it were a perfect world where everyone would see the genius out there. But not, most people prefer tv dinners and watching the next top model/ idol or whatever crap. Still I am planing to turn a few minds in my collection of friends and other associates.

So you sit tight and wait out the storm. Although I can promise you that after this one, there will be an even bigger one coming called "OrwarriOR"
Happy chanukkah to you too Hill. I wish it were a perfect world where everyone would see the genius out there. But not, most people prefer tv dinners and watching the next top model/ idol or whatever crap. Still I am planing to turn a few minds in my collection of friends and other associates.

So you sit tight and wait out the storm. Although I can promise you that after this one, there will be an even bigger one coming called "OrwarriOR"

Thanks for the Holiday Greetings, Nathalie. I wish you the same; please let me know what's your flavor. I don't make any assumptions. I celebrate a whole bunch (I've long been disowned by my ultra-orthodox former "community;" good riddance) in very non-trad ways, but Chanukkah's on the table for me now.

The storm has past. The rain and sleet and hail is done harassing my little suburb. Resurrection is at hand--I can hear the birds chirping, just like on Mabool!

Blech, sheeple will be sheeple. "Evolve Thyself" is a steeper slope for some, but it'll happen. Holy God...I'm quoting OL. The New Gospel. This stuff isn't commercial garbage like any of the horrors you mentioned, so I don't feel that there's any hyperbole in what I and others (who say good things) have to say about OL and its music. This goes beyond listeners' age, cuture, IQ :lol: Gospel! If someone else talked about a New Jerusalem, especially a dude dressed up as Jesus, I'd say s/he had a Jesus complex. But this isn't the case here: I don't see any psycho-ego. All I see and hear are reasonable, wonderful guidelines about how to repair...Tikkun Olam! Repair of the World. Orphans need parents; they will get parents if some serious Hollywood attention and such wafts in the direction of this new release. See, Hollywood (duh) is rotten to the core. But some of the execs feel some good guilt about all that. And some Beverly Hills types, like, say, Barbra Streisand (an ex of mine--we're still great friends--went to school with Barb's kids; CONNECTION TO USE!), could seriously shell out some monetary and PR support if the right people stir the pot. I know LA; never mind how; I don't want to remember. But this can be done there, in Europe, in NY, and in Missouri :p

Nathalie, just those brief, raw, teaser-clips from ORwarriOR are too immense to bear and yet too wonderful not to. It's excruciatingly majestic; words just don't cut it. That's why we have art, thank God. The word "epic" is so overused, so I won't use it. It doesn't even apply here: It's more than any label... So.... This isn't mere Middle Eastern metal; this isn't merely great music; this is the entire package of what we need: It's like a road-map, just prettier.

Only thing is, yeah, we've got to spread the word, and the record execs and their busy bees need to do some major promoting, and, heck, there are so many orgs and peeps around the world who would jump right onto this bandwagon even if they were stone- or tone -deaf. For we're not talking entertainment of quality or even excellent social commentary: Nah; I've heard/seen that. This is something different. All of us get that. And we've got lots to compare this to.

You've got your, what, five years of investment and some might call it "biasing," but it's not. You got into this b/c you bought into the idea. You got into OL long before ORwarriOR was a twinkle in the band's (and its many collaborators') muse's eyes. BELIEVE!

And, dangit, I still don't have a clue about the darn band store. Ain't that frustrating?! The doggone fan-club membership is still "up for sale." So I haven't a clue how to navigate that site and Kobi's got more pressing things to do right now than to fix it all. Still, I wanted to spend a few hundred bucks on merch: I still do. This is frustrating me. That's not a lot of money, but it adds up. And that would help me spread the word. I mean, shoving a CD at a person you know and saying, "hey, this is immense: keep it; listen to it a few times; there's nothing like it in the world and soon something even better's comin' out..." That's the way to do it on a local level. AND I WANT TO (look out, drama-queen moment) :waah:

Hey, here I go doing the Faulkner jig again.

Bye for now. Take a break in Nice, poor iced-over woman.

Dear Hill,

im Glad u managed the storm! or still in proccess !

cant u feel that we are closer to 2012 !? or maybe we are into this mass media thing regarding Armaggedon ! so we make the best of our days and buy more useless things ....and watch news ....and Hollywood blockbusters :)

Aaah, 2012 is such a sweet trolling!

The Maya calendar NEVER says anything should happen in 2012, and whatever art and astronomy and architecture geeks Mayas might have been they were still ancient ignorant people, so they did not know anything about space and predictions, they were simply having fun observing the planets/stars and basing fascinating folklore FICTION on these observations.

The movie "2012" is a piece of anti-scientific commercial crap.

Scientifically speaking, there will be the end of the world, however we got AT LEAST 1000000000 years ahead, so you can relax and ignore these endless fiction predictions and prophecies (someone counted there were OVER 100 such "totally serious" predictions" before in the history of humanity).

You can locate and watch BBC movies of the "End Day" series - they give all probabilities and describe all realistic hypotheses.

About environmental/anthropogenic "End Of The World", we will wipe out most other lifeforms gradually and change the climate to something weird and extreme, yet we'll never manage to make ourselves extinct and we cannot destroy the life itself or stop the evolution, so no need to worry, let's just conserve as many other species and spots of clean nature as we can - that is a moral obligation for those who really care about non-human lifeforms and who feel sorry that out civilization is so wicked and destructive.

Nostradamus... another piece of old fiction. When such things are promoted among masses for over a century nobody cares to check out the *original sources* - if you read the real Nostradamus you will find out that all of his predicitons are just faery tales which you can interpret in a thousand different ways and fit them to ANY events in the history of mankind.

See "The Enemies Of Reason" Discovery series for details.

Finally, speaking about the term "Armageddon" (Harmageddon), Johan's Revelation book (aka "Apocalypse" which means "Revelation" in Greek) was not an attempt to predict the future, it was merely reflections about the past - the evil multiheaded beast was a mataphor for evil Roman emperors who killed early Christians, and Armageddon fight was actually a minor clash in ancient Judea (see BBC: Bible Mysteris,
Episode 9: Revelations
The programme reveals how archaeology and science show that Revelation was written not for a 21st century audience, but by a church leader called John for his 1st century Christian Church, and that it was written as a warn- ing by him against involvement in the Roman Empire and in particular the worship of its emperors. In a surprising twist, the programme also reveals that thanks to recent archaeological finds the infamous number of the Beast may not be 666 but 616...)
Dear Hill,

im Glad u managed the storm! or still in proccess !

cant u feel that we are closer to 2012 !? or maybe we are into this mass media thing regarding Armaggedon ! so we make the best of our days and buy more useless things ....and watch news ....and Hollywood blockbusters :)


It's white out there and cold and I love it. How's it out your way, magic-man?

Anton's post is calling my name. I vote with him. There have been "the end is nigh" shriekers since we developed vocal-cords. Pay them no heed whatsoever, unless your religious or other convictions make it necessary to pay aforesaid heed :lol:

Me? I've stocked up on the movies, oh yeah, my bro' from Lebanon, you bet! Those can be relied upon for great entertainment (as long as you buy the ones you can rely upon) during the brisk days, weeks, and months ahead.

But I did hear this and know it to be true: The end of 2009 is near.

REPENT! Whatever that precisely means, just do it.

Happy Holidays, Orphaned Disciples. My Lord, some of us really do need a Leader :heh:

As for useless things: Nothing's useless if you can acquire it without hurting anyone and also have a use, no matter how useless, for it. But please don't do this out of "the sky's falling desperation." No, I know you won't.

Happy Happy Joy Joy, Friends, Romans, and Countrymen [sic],

It's been deathly silent here, but I know where y'all are. I'm just biding my time.

Disciples: Hi!

Come out and play, dammit!

You've been missing for a while :D Your 114 posts in close to a month made this forum more active I must say :D

Maybe we should make another thread for general talking or convert this into that.
Also, when I used to visit this forum before actively posting, I noticed quite a large number of active posters, so to Nathalie and Yannick, the only older members I see active today, what happened?

You've been missing for a while :D Your 114 posts in close to a month made this forum more active I must say :D

Maybe we should make another thread for general talking or convert this into that.

Yeah, homes,

I got sick of only a few of us being the prime "talkers." You've been a member of this forum for much longer, and I see that you comment on this atrocious state-of-affairs.

But, on the other hand, you have me pegged: My only goal in life is to post over 100 deep-thoughts :hypno: right here p/month. That's it...nothing else matters.

And I've got this awesome bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you, cheap, my man, what a bargain! C'mon over.

Really, seriously, I'm all for your idea: A discussion thread, just general, is in order IMHO. Although we are, in a sense, introducing our lovely selves a tiny bit more each time we write. But maybe the mass of our communications here are scaring away the less chatty? I'm with your idea.

As-Salamu Alaykum,
Shalom aleichem,
La paix de Dieu soit avec vous ,
La paz de Dios este con vosotros,
May God's peace be with you,

My name is Isaura, i am 19 years old, i currently reside in USA, Texas. I am originally from Mexico and my native language is spanish.

Well like most here, I am interested in religion, politics and cultures. I also love history, languages ;) science (i am in college and i am majoring in chemistry but i also love aerospace and physics <3)

I learned about OL like 2 years ago, i've always loved metal since i was first introduced when i was 13. i started out with just plain heavy metal, then went on to black and death metal and i was just looking for other types of metal when i found about oriental metal and OL.

My favorite OL album is El Norra Alila because it has a lot of oriental sounds, my favorite song is The Path Ahead from that album, but I love all of OL's albums.

I don't play any instruments anymore, i used to play the violin when i was young (7) but to tell you the truth i sucked at it and it didn't interest me much :P i'm not musically talented. But i do dance; egyptian belly dance and Bharatanatyam dance, just recently.

Other than OL, other favorite bands are Narjahanam, Al-Thawra but this last one is Taqwacore (sometimes referred as Islamic Punk) but OL is definitely my favorite.

Anything else: Well I am a Muslim revert, since 3 years ago, alhamdulliah, but my family is Catholic. The thing is that we were "marranos" (derogarotory term meaning "pig" in spanish) that is Jews forced to convert to Catholicism. We came to South America from Spain when the force mass conversions were going on back in early 17th century. And well we migrated to Mexico, then to the USA :). Well that's just something interesting about my history.

I don't play any instruments anymore, i used to play the violin when i was young (7) but to tell you the truth i sucked at it and it didn't interest me much :P i'm not musically talented. But i do dance; egyptian belly dance and Bharatanatyam dance, just recently.

And from the Lonestar State...Jamillah! I was just down in (Don't Mess With) Texas in the late summer but it was for work at an extremely isolated psych hospital in the Red River Valley :guh: So it was basically southwest Oklahoma.... Had I shared that impression with one of the fine, progressive local folk, I'd been summarily executed. Oh, well. Every interesting part of the State was hours away: Dallas, the closest, required a 1.5-hour drive to a puddle-jumper flight to DFW. So I passed. Dang.

You're too hard on yourself, Jamillah. If you can dance, you're musically talented, just in a different way: You interpret music physically! I can play bass real well, but all I can dance is the two-step white-guy shuffle....

Have fun with this diverse group. It's far from the average fan-club. Seriously. It's lots of fun, yet the people are super-serious about peace. It's the Sixties again, but applied to the Middle East and with that region's awesome musical flavor. We need the Sixties there, I reckon. I can use some falafel about now. Then, peace!


I am from many places in the world. I play music for my soul, and I spread music and make it for other people. I found this music and it' s simply magical music, takes me on journeys that i want to go further.
Also, when I used to visit this forum before actively posting, I noticed quite a large number of active posters, so to Nathalie and Yannick, the only older members I see active today, what happened?

Ananth,brother, to be honest I have no idea what happened to them. But I guess a lot of them turned into readers rather than posters. Also, with Facebook, MySpace and Twitter that is adapted to the 2 second attention span of a lot of people these days we have a lot of competition. Face it; the culture of forums is over and that's a shame!
Me, I stick around because people I "meet" here put in more effort than in those network sites where most people are only interested in "hi, how are you" and showing their latest photos. Overhere there is real conversation going on.
yes ! the forum is interesting and very helpfull :) thank to Nathalie's effort

Hey Hill, how are you doing dude ?!
I don't play any instruments anymore, i used to play the violin when i was young (7) but to tell you the truth i sucked at it and it didn't interest me much :P i'm not musically talented. But i do dance; egyptian belly dance and Bharatanatyam dance, just recently.

Welcome Isaura!

You seem to be an interesting person with an equally interesting life, I hope you contribute to this modest e-gathering of ours for a long time :D Once again, welcome aboard!

Coming from South India, I'm intrigued, how'd you get into Bharatanatyam ?!
Ananth,brother, to be honest I have no idea what happened to them. But I guess a lot of them turned into readers rather than posters. Also, with Facebook, MySpace and Twitter that is adapted to the 2 second attention span of a lot of people these days we have a lot of competition. Face it; the culture of forums is over and that's a shame!
Me, I stick around because people I "meet" here put in more effort than in those network sites where most people are only interested in "hi, how are you" and showing their latest photos. Overhere there is real conversation going on.

Totally agree with you on the real conversation bit, this forum has been really insightful and I don't see any post-whoring here at all. Small as it might be, I'm still mightily attracted to this little space. Lets just hope for better days to come :D
Hi, thanks guys, i really appreciate it. it feels like a very close community here. it is very interesting, so it won't be a problem to contribute :)
Welcome Isaura!

Coming from South India, I'm intrigued, how'd you get into Bharatanatyam ?!

well i took dance classes in high school by mistake and i ended up liking it, so i looked for other types of dances and i asked my dance teacher and she told me of Bharatanatyam i watched some videos and instantly fell in love with it. at first i just looked up videos from the internet, but just recently i enrolled in classes.

All the best! Dance is an amazing form of expression, though I can't relate to it at all :D It's quite amazing seeing the vastness of globalization if this forum is to be taken as an example. Hearing about Classical Indian dances in the U.S. is something quite surprising for me as I've seen this around quite a bit in my life.