iPhone 4

Your motives and reasoning do not matter man. The fact is, you're still being a fucking douche.

I am going to have to side with old man murphdawg for once.
To keep this thread a bit on track (concerning the Iphone), I still don't see te whole "big mean jobs only lets me put what he wants me to put in his Iphone", I do whatever the fuck I want with mine, I can put any songs I have on my pc, downloaded elsewhere, ripped, etc., I can put any kind of videos (if format is not accepted, I use a converter and voila). Plus if you don't wanna use Itunes, I've read in a few Pc magazines about some free software that pretty much substitutes Itunes and you can even put music on your Iphone/Ipod with them. But I don't do that because, um, Itunes is great?
To keep this thread a bit on track (concerning the Iphone), I still don't see te whole "big mean jobs only lets me put what he wants me to put in his Iphone", I do whatever the fuck I want with mine, I can put any songs I have on my pc, downloaded elsewhere, ripped, etc., I can put any kind of videos (if format is not accepted, I use a converter and voila). Plus if you don't wanna use Itunes, I've read in a few Pc magazines about some free software that pretty much substitutes Itunes and you can even put music on your Iphone/Ipod with them. But I don't do that because, um, Itunes is great?

Fucking +1 zillion

I keep hearing people complain about how "limited" they are and it's not fair that "Jobs decides" for them what they can and can't do. I haven't once felt restricted by either of the computers, mp3 player and now phone that I own from Apple. I don't find iTunes lacking any feature, nor do I feel it restricts in any way the use of the music I have within it. My phone and other products from them perform exactly as advertised, not sure what the issues are.

I would just love to see someone make a list with some explanation/details for everything they feel inconveniences them regarding iTunes/iPhone/et al.