Is Opeth over?

Well Azogue one similarity might be the fact that Wilson wrote To Rid The Disease ;) But I agree with you,Opeth doesn't even touch Porcupine Tree with Damnation.

As for the other things,I agree with Nogie (and all of you who agreed about Opeth going downhill too and I can't understand how anyone would think of Deliverance as Opeth's best work.

I don't really like the sound of the next album being "the most brutal thing I've ever heard" either. Deliverance was already bad enough. At least I hope they won't start using blastbeats in the same vein that most black metal bands seem to,as in having them throughout the whole fucking song,if they do decide to do this one song black metal thing.
What I don't like about the new fans is WHY they like Opeth. I was in some chatroom (I'm not sure why I was in a chatroom to begin with) talking to "nu-metallers", and I asked if they'd heard of Opeth.


That was the BEST thing they could think of about Opeth, and the ONLY thing they could tell me what was good about Opeth - and don't tell me I probably started like that. I was listening to One Minute Silence and Testament when I heard Opeth, and being on dialup, I only downloaded Silhouette. Seeing as my friend told me it was a death metal band, first I was surprised at it, then I was captured by its beauty. One of the first things that struck me about Opeth was how seemingly natural it was for them to convey emotion, let alone be "heavy".

I know I've taken a turn and become an elitist myself, but I know people who listen to Opeth and don't even TRY to understand it. One friend who I've given a few CD's says he liked Damnation, but the others are ruined by screaming. Even Bumblefoot has tried to explain to him what growling can be when used effectively, and he does not even attempt to understand.

I have a fair idea how the label would feel about increased sales, but if I were a musician in this position, I'd be shitting my pants for having a majority of people liking my music for that one, single, simple reason, when in Opeth's case, there is SO much more to find in it.

(Disclaimer: no sense, fuck you.)
I love how people are on here saying, "Damnation and Deliverance were good, but they aren't Opeth". Who are you to say what Opeth is? Opeth decides what Opeth is, not you. Maybe it's not the "same band" for you anymore, but just because you don't like it doesen't make it worthless. That's the thing I like best about the guys in Opeth - they don't care who does or doesen't like their music. They know they're awesome, and so do the rest of us.
They know they're awesome, and so do the rest of us.
I hope they don't think too highly of themselves. That's when bands start to produce crap.

For me, I still like them. But face it... the last couple of albums felt like turds refusing to drop. It doesn't sound as natural and spontaneous as the first albums. Perhaps they don't care about what people think of them, I wouldn't know. Does that make them the best band in the world? Does that make me like them? A definite no. What I judge a band on is what they put on CD. And what they put on CD is good, but if you ask me they don't use their potential to the full anymore. Which is a pity.

On a sidenote, when a band says something like "The next CD is gonna be the heaviest ever!" I doubt the fact that they don't care about other people's opinions.
TheFourthHorseman said:
Well Azogue one similarity might be the fact that Wilson wrote To Rid The Disease ;) But I agree with you,Opeth doesn't even touch Porcupine Tree with Damnation.

As for the other things,I agree with Nogie (and all of you who agreed about Opeth going downhill too and I can't understand how anyone would think of Deliverance as Opeth's best work.

I don't really like the sound of the next album being "the most brutal thing I've ever heard" either. Deliverance was already bad enough. At least I hope they won't start using blastbeats in the same vein that most black metal bands seem to,as in having them throughout the whole fucking song,if they do decide to do this one song black metal thing.
:) Wilson wrote Death Whispered a Lulluby.
Nogie said:
And all you people bashing those "little korn lovers freaks"... stop being so fucking elitist bastards and shut the fuck up. everyone has to start from something, right?

You guys have no right to bash them for saying "opeth is my favourite band" blah blah blah, cuz you guys probably did the same when you joined this forum. the fact that you people might listen to something that is not punk or nu metal or whatever and they do, doesnt make them anything different from you guys.

*golf clap*
1. I don't agree that the first album were great and the new stuff sound as any other band. I think exactly opposite. At the begining Opeth were playing very very good and complex death metal now with 3 last albums they started to make masterpieces of unique music. Please name some similar albums to BWP or Deliverance??
2. I don't agree that Porcupine and Wilson destroyed Opeth. I think exactly opposite. Wilson turned the best death metal band into one of the best bands ever. Now Mikael and Steven should form Beatles II or something and ignore the crap they get form true black/heavy/death metal fanboys/whatever.
FOr those of you who claim Opeth to be another Porcupine Tree don;t even know what PT sounds like. i have been listening to PT for way longer than Opeth and Opeth doesn't resemble PT in any fashion, even including the Prog Rock album, Damnation. Opeth is just getting started and I am looking forward to the next alubm, which supposed to be fucking Black Metal. \m/
segaszivos said:
FOr those of you who claim Opeth to be another Porcupine Tree don;t even know what PT sounds like. i have been listening to PT for way longer than Opeth and Opeth doesn't resemble PT in any fashion, even including the Prog Rock album, Damnation. Opeth is just getting started and I am looking forward to the next alubm, which supposed to be fucking Black Metal. \m/

It won't be black metal.

I find Damnation extremely boring and whilst Deliverance has its moments, Opeth's material prior to these two albums is far better - with the exception of Still Life. The first two were the best.
I detect a lot of whining in this thread that basically mounts down to "Opeth is MY band goddamnit!", both with whining about kornkids, and the stated fact that opeth is no longer opeth. I just find that all really amusing :)
most of the people on this message board are whining losers. Everyone tries to sound smarter than they really are by making these 5 paragraph essays that dont really make any valid points. I hope if opeth ever reads this crap they dont think that these people are a representation of all of their fans. Because it most definitely isnt.
And i'd like to also say, as ive said earlier, that the picture on the first page with the tampons is downright nasty.

Bach's Cello suites are fucking heavy shiznit man...

*you may now continue with this pointless discussion*
This message paid for by NdX Psychosis Inheritance Industries
It seems lots of people on here want Opeth to have the same sound like Orchid/Morningrise on all their albums. You know what, that's lame. I don't want the new album to be like any of the other ones, just something different. Some of you guys are elitists that think being mainstream = bad.
LLp1234 said:
most of the people on this message board are whining losers. Everyone tries to sound smarter than they really are by making these 5 paragraph essays that dont really make any valid points. I hope if opeth ever reads this crap they dont think that these people are a representation of all of their fans. Because it most definitely isnt.
And i'd like to also say, as ive said earlier, that the picture on the first page with the tampons is downright nasty.

Great contribution, fucktard. Whining about whining is just as bad, shut up.