Is there any metal band that you absolutely hate?

Yeah, that was me. Korpiklaani is a Scandinavian band, and they play folk/metal. Was I claiming that they are the best interpretation of original Scandinavian folk music ? No. Is this the Scandinavian folk thread ? No.

To you, NFU, and I aint play this If you're not going to explain why you disagree with my post, you might as well not fucking respond in the first place.
I might mistakenly think you are defending Def Leppard. Or putting down King Diamond. This obviously isn't the case.

That post you made was vomit inducing retarded shit, how can you say that a classic late 70's/80's band like Scorpions(a highly influential band) or a Melodic heavy rock band like Skid Row are the ''CoMmerCial'' side of Sepultura, Megadeth and Slayer(thrash metal bands)? does it really make any sense? what a lame, moronic generalization, next time use your brain before making a post, stfu
Im gonna vent now a little on Emo music. God F*cking damnit I hate emo music. They just whine and whine about how emotional they are, like they are the only emotional music out there. Their audience is little 14 year old girls and their music can be described as Diet Goth with 0 carbs! Seriously this music sucks.

Fall Out Boy is the worst and I really really hope they get dropped from the face of the earth soon.

Anyone else here absolutely hate Emo music?
I hate emo in the whiny-dashboard-confessional-i'm-really-a-girl-but-can't-admit-it-so-let-me-cry-all-over-my-album sense. This covers nearly all of it.

But I like the new Fall Out Boy album :lol: (shit band name though)

The only "metal" band I absolutely can't stand: Nightwish. WTF do people like them? (Rhetorical question, don't bother answering)

also: w0rd to Def Leppard NFU.
Actually, I find most metal unpalatable to my tastes...I sometimes wonder why I come to this forum...after much time and effort I've found only a handfull of bands that meet my listening criteria from the the "now playing" type threads..coming from my subjective viewpoint...
Most of the scream fest ladden, chugga chugga riffed, blast beat drivel is barely an adolescent step above the emo stuff ..if even... imo...there are exceptions to this though, and Opeth would be one of those...
Everyone has their own tastes, and there's a ton of music out's best to broaden your tastes in music at a young age, as when you get older your tastes will broaden with you...and you'll be all the richer for it!
Everyone has their own tastes, and there's a ton of music out's best to broaden your tastes in music at a young age, as when you get older your tastes will broaden with you...and you'll be all the richer for it!

That post you made was vomit inducing retarded shit, how can you say that a classic late 70's/80's band like Scorpions(a highly influential band) or a Melodic heavy rock band like Skid Row are the ''CoMmerCial'' side of Sepultura, Megadeth and Slayer(thrash metal bands)? does it really make any sense? what a lame, moronic generalization, next time use your brain before making a post, stfu

Now that is a valid argument.
Imo Scorpions and Skid Row are not very important compared to Sepultura, Megadeth and Slayer. And it is 99.9 % a matter of opinion only.

King Diamond is the best though.
No one should be allowed to even compare the influence band such as Sepultura, Megadeth, and Slayer have had to the metal scene to bands such as Scorpions or Skid Row. Someone needs to do their homework, if not for Slayer or Sepulture, the map of metal would look sooooooo different today.

Skid Row........ (laughing)
Good lord you guys get so confusing it is annoying, who the hell is discussing influences, or which band is better here? You simply can't say that Scorpions, Motley Crue, or Skid Row are the commercial side of thrash metal bands, and that was my point. What the fuck. I even prefer the thrash bands by far but ffs lets not go around saying absurd things just because we don't like certain bands.