Is there any metal band that you absolutely hate?

This thread reminded me of Skid Row, they are so over-hated, personally i think they destroy and i firmly put them above all hair metal bands...anyone else a fan?
skid row
motley crue
the scorpions
def leppard

Whitesnake I think is actually pretty good... Skid Row obviously, I liked a few songs from Motley Crue, two songs in particular by The Scorpions, and Def Leppard, uhh... I don't know what to think about them. :loco:

Although you did remind me of a few more bands I like of that genre.
A lot of people hate on metalcore bands like The Black Dahlia Murder and All That Remains. I happen to really like that. Because even though there's a million bands that sound the same, a large amount of them sound good! TBDM is especially good.
most people hate HIM because they think that they are "metal without being metal" when the singer has openly said that they are a rock band, not a metal band. they might have metal influences but they are about as metal as Billy Idol
System of a Down (If you can call them metal)
Atreyu/Avenged Sevenfold/any "hardcore" or emo-ized commercial metal
Tool (OK I don't despise them, but they're dumb and pretty overrated)
A lot of people hate on metalcore bands like The Black Dahlia Murder and All That Remains. I happen to really like that. Because even though there's a million bands that sound the same, a large amount of them sound good! TBDM is especially good.

i actually put the black dahlia murder on my list of bands i hate because they fail to impress me and i met the singer at ozzfest 2005 trying to look all billy badass with his gorgoroth t-shirt on, what a fucking dick!
most people hate HIM because they think that they are "metal without being metal" when the singer has openly said that they are a rock band, not a metal band. they might have metal influences but they are about as metal as Billy Idol

Please don't mention Billy Idol and HIM in the same post. :erk:


Heh, we should do a thread about which bands have fans that we absolutely hate. Unless that was done before, hmmm.
Death to all metal core, hard core, math metal, emo metal, screamo, and all those cores!!!! They all suck!!!!!

That crap is the worst thing to happen in metal since... I dont know has anything that bad happened...

Those bands need to die off quick, fortunately I think they are.