Well, Amazon screwed up my order (claiming they couldn't deliver it until early July), so had to cancel but went and bought the album in HMV. I'll admit that I was a little sceptical about the supposed heavyness of this album, but...WOW. Absolutely stunning. Every note is chosen perfectly, every performance by each of the band members is superb! The title track is quite possibly my favourite Symphony X song, ever. I don't think I've ever heard Russell sing so beautifully, yet with so much passion and power.
The packaging is really cool as well - I can see a lot of bands "borrowing" the idea in the future hehe. And despite everyone's opinions, I actually really like the DVD. Granted, a few are barely watchable, let alone listenable, but its a fun extra that I'm certainly glad was included. Its a damn sight better than the rubbish some other bands put on their albums - anyone buy the special edition Ghost Opera to be bitterly disappointed by the DVD?
Anyway, I could go on forever, but bottom line, its a fantastic album, and well worth the wait. You've done it again guys - can't wait to see you on tour! Here's to Symphony X!