ITT: Dred is ranting about life. If you don't care, don't fucking read it.

It's hard to stop smoking and drugs in general. I don't know if it's worth saying now but in the past i have had alot of trouble with quitting _______ alltogether (I won't say what because it's just question after question from there). In any case, i found that my close friends were the most supportive in my decisions and were more than willing to help me out with my problems and i am very thankful for that. Also, i had no real reason other than general health and reconnecting with my social life to stop, so if you have the incentive then when you do have the craving or are bored you can always think hey this is pushing me farther away from my goal instead of getting me closer, plus looking back and thinking how far you've come to this point will make you not want to do it even more.

Good luck and all the best and stay tr00.
Day 14, one cigarette this past Thursday because I walked out of my job.

You quit?

ANd I forgot to send you the information I found about weightloss, lol but I was too lazy to type it so I found this resource that is the same thing:

Read it over carefully, then you can understand my next statement.

Instead of lowering your caloric intake by just 500, try to get it up to 1000 or more. 1000 less a day = 2 pounds in a week gone, just by doing nothing. Add to that exercise (which is pretty hard to get up to high number) and you'll be set.


Day 12:

284 - chicken wings
100 -garlic bread
70 - sour cream
150 - rice
90 - chocolate rice crackers
90 - bar
240 - soup
85 - bread
20 - mayo
20 - ham
15 - cheese

=1164 calories

(2304 less)

The amount of calories my body burned a day at that point without doing anything was 3468, so by limiting myself to 1200 a day, which is the lowest possible while remaining HEALTHY, I was able to shave off a lot of weight. The first few days are hard but once you get into the swing of thing, the feeling of losing weight and looking better keeps your hunger in check. So basically, I was losing 4 pounds a week without any exercise at all. I did exercise as well but I'm just saying that if I was not feeling up to it some days I was still doing well and losing weight.
p.p.s.- Joe, make it smaller for av usage. I'm too tired and baked to do it myself. kthx

Somehow I missed this but here ya go:

Okay, so...heres the deal,

I'm pretty goddamned serious about this armed forces thing. I don't know as of yet which branch I would like to join, but I'll figure that shit out as the date approaches. My goal is to be enlisted at the end of my probation this coming August. If you don't know why I'm on probation by this point...lurk moar.

Now, in order for me to join any branch of the armed forces, I'm going to have to make some major changes in my life.
  • I need to get myself in shape.
  • I need to quit smoking.
  • I need to keep my finances in order to clear the majority of my debt (save for school loans. I'll be paying off those suckers for years.)
I'm going to go all out and kick this shit off on New Years with a bunch of other resolutions including but not limited to:
  • Cut back almost entirely on my drinking. (I'll still have the occasional mixed drink when out with friends, but I'm cutting our beer entirely :cry:)
  • Get with a couple more women before I get shipped off (I've only been with 5.) I don't give a shit if you think this is shallow, but it's something I want. I don't want to end up marrying some chick who's slept with god knows how many guys when I have so few in comparison. It wouldn't bode well for this imaginary, potential relationship. Now I'm not talking 20 chicks in 8 months, but I'm going to play the field a bit as I get in better shape.
  • Start actually doing the work I get paid very little to currently not do.
Now, the reason I bring this up, is because January 1st, 2008 is fast approaching, and this is a HUGE fucking change in my life. I've never done anything with my life. I coasted through high school doing as little as possible, and college was pretty much the same (except I got better grades.) I currently work for an insurance agency owned by my father, a job that I fucking loathe.

I hate my job so much, that I've resorted to posting on COB:OT to pass the time when I should be doing something productive. I have unopened mail (that I've been hiding in drawers) that dates back to the end of October. :lol: I feel bad about it too, because my father kind of got this dumped on him when his boss died back in February. He's really backed up with shit, and he's constantly falling behind on some pretty important shit (eg.- as of 1/1/08 I don't have healthcare any more, and he was supposed to take care of it today before he left the office. Chances are, he didn't.)

So anyways, as I was saying I'm starting to get really nervous about 1/1/08. If I fail...thats it. I've not only let myself down, but I embarrass myself as well so failure really isn't an option...and that makes me fucking nervous. IT'S 4 FUCKING DAYS AWAY!!!!

*begins hyperventilating*

*pulls out paper bag*

When you get into the armed forces, tell your guys to STOP SHOOTING AT THEIR FUCKING ALLIES

Christ I was reading in the news today about how some British soldiers had cornered a taliban truck, but instead of shooting at the toyota truck the dumbfuck US apache pilot decided to shoot at the British military marked Tank.
Christ I was reading in the news today about how some British soldiers had cornered a taliban truck, but instead of shooting at the toyota truck the dumbfuck US apache pilot decided to shoot at the British military marked Tank.

Eff the British :D