joey no longer recording??


Aug 11, 2010
A member of a band who went to joey for 2 cds told me that joey is no longer going to record bands anymore he is just going to produce them. I hope that's not true but he has always said he hating recording and was more of a producer. i wonder if he is just getting bored of it because his latest stuff sound like he just stop caring about things and didn't polish them as well as he used too idk what do you guys think i prefer his old recording better
As I understand it from general observation of posts on here and following Joey's twitter:-

Joey has stated on this forum already that he is really only interested in the producing/mixing side of things. He hates tracking guitars and bass and therefore Nick Samson takes care of this side of things for him. JeffTD does his drum edits. Joey is involved in all other parts of the process.

He has said a few times on Twitter that he doesn't want to do audio engineering for the rest of his life. There have been a lot of references to game developing and I believe he is working on something like this inbetween studio work. He has a girlfriend, and has said he wants to spend time enjoying a bit of life. Don't blame the guy honestly, there's more to life than work.

That said, I personally don't feel Joey is turning out any lesser quality of productions than he did in the beginning. I am impressed with each new CD he turns out and even if the music itself isn't amazing the productions are consistently good and this is the point - he has honed his craft well enough to deliver these consistently good productions. The guy knows he can deliver this even if its not 100% the main focus of his life anymore.

Just my 2c :)
I honestly quite like the Attila record! Not a huge fan of Speaker of the Dead though. To be honest guys, tracking sucks and if you're at a stage in your career where you don't have to do it anymore, that's fantastic.
TBH the "half assed" thing probably comes from being blown away by him before enough times to expect something groundbreaking (or at least something interesting) on every release. I personally have been aurally spoiled by joey and when I start to hear the same stuff I heard a few releases ago, I tune out cuz there's nothing new to learn from. Atilla seemed lackluster and I would've thought it came from a Joey clone if I hadn't already known he did it. And the SOTD mix just doesn't do it for me, Emmure is not a 'joey band' in my eyes. I haven't heard STTG yet so I can't comment on it.

I've listened to Slave to the Game and it's nothing special.
Why these bands are so popular blows my mind.
Thanks, dude. :Smug:

If this is true then maybe he'll post some of his newest techniques and plugs he's using. Maybe a peak into his mastering methods. :-D

I doubt it. As has been said before, even if you knew how he did it it likely wouldn't be any good for your song/mix.

For me, I do use Joey's mixes as a reference but I know my stuff won't sound anything close to how his does and I don't use Pod Farm at all. But then, at the moment I'm only doing this for fun and interest and learning so I'm not bothered if I do/don't sound like Joey or anyone else. Joey's productions, the minimal amount of gear he uses, and being ITB, was what actually inspired me to read up on all this stuff and try to push my shitty song ideas to the next level with my own shitty, basic, limited gear.

It's cute that you used an image to try and get the last word like this is 4chan or something, but you really don't need to go out of your way to insult everyone. I don't try to live up to strugis, and many other people don't as well, but I do realize we are currently on the sturgis forum and I have no problem with the way he does things. Please speak for yourself is all I'm asking.
I doubt it. As has been said before, even if you knew how he did it it likely wouldn't be any good for your song/mix.

Right.... this is a given. Any guy worth his salt in mixing knows this.

But I'm always experimenting with different things and it would be really cool to know what he prefers so you can try and fit it into your own stuff. I say this just because I know Joey's mastering is better than mine so there is room to learn on my part. It's kinda like knowing how much of each ingredient to put into a cake. Yours probably wont be as good as grandma's..... but at least if you know how she does it and what she uses then you're in way better shape.

P.S. Not calling Joey a grandma. hahahahaha
Yeah man. Sorry if I came across too sharp, wasn't intended. I would honestly love to be a fly on the wall for a Joey mixing/mastering session. I'm sure I'd learn tons from it, but there's always gonna be a big chance where I'm working on one of my own tracks and I'd be all like oh yeah I'll try "that thing Joey did" only to find it makes my mix sound fucking terrible, which in turn leads to depression and JOEY Y UR PRESETS NO MAKE ME SOUND BR00TZ? posts :p but yea I'm an experimenter too. Reading and experimenting is how I even learned ANYTHING.