Joey Sturgis Impluse Responses

wow I actually really like these impulses! The demo in the video does not do it justice. Glad I bought them :rock:
The competitor impulse is way better.
I'd love to know what impulse it is.
They must have made the video at the end of the session where they made the IRs.
It often happens that brighter and thiner sounds better to tired ears.
The "other" competitor impulse has too much boomy-ness and lots of nasty 4k garbage. Something you might not be listening for, but I will admit our comparison is probably a bit on the advanced side of the fence... At any rate, I would never use the "other" competitor impulse in a mix because... it sounds like shit to me.

Here's an example by Nick Sadler using our tone, he did it on the day of purchase which I think sounds quite good: Impulse Test2.mp3

We received praise from industry tops, including the guys over at Burl. Even Eyal from audio hammer was messaging me about them:


I know what these dudes say is their own opinion, and maybe opinion isn't even capable of winning you over, which I totally understand. But I can't believe for one second that these impulses are bad, not after hearing every round of drafts and going back to the drawing board, then comparing the new drafts against the old, and comparing to competitors, using multiple amps and amp sims, checking them in all kinds of mixes, and repeating this process over and over until they sounded perfect.

Regardless of the comments here, I am fucking proud of what we created, and I very glad that they have sold very very well. I can only hope you guys will keep and eye and ear open for stuff in the future, regardless of how you feel about this one!

Thanks for taking the time to watch the video and discuss everything!

Best of luck to you all, happy new year, and cheers!
i like the sturgis IR's much better on the chugs than the competitors but i like the competitors IR's better on the actual riff.
That SM7b one sounds way better than the tone used in the video, but it's still kind of peaky and narrow, not very smooth or balanced; those are the same qualities that I didn't like in the video and website examples.
Btw, all of these clips I've been making are with reverence. I have noticed that impulses sound different with different loaders. It might be worth comparing on a different impulse loader!
Well, not sure what happened in the video (although I can hear the difference just fine here). Did you watch in 1080p?

Hope the mp3's shed some light for some doubters.

yeah 1080p.
I just don't seem to dig the texture of the distortion in the clip in the video.
And btw, you're right, the competitor clip in the video is boomier and has some nastyness going on in the himids, but I dig the core sound more, even if your impulse sits in the mix a lot better. Just a taste thing.

And fwiw: I think the clips you posted here also sound better than the ones in the store.
in the video, the competitor wins in the first riff because that impulse really benefits from those low open notes but the jtw sits much better in the mix on the other parts.
these jtw aren't the type of guitar sound I'm going for but I bet they will be fun to play with so I'm going to grab them anyways.