Joey Sturgis Impluse Responses

The 7b, indeed, sounded great (for an impulse), thanks for sharing!
I think youtube didnt do justice to this, even in 1080p.
Hope you guys do some kemper profiles too.
Happy new year!
Switched mics on this example, I'm pretty sure ours wins!

This one is a 57 4x12 on axis

here it is with an i5 4x12 on axis
here it is with an SM7B 4x12 on axis

The 5-6k area in all of these does nothing for me other than hurt. Who knows maybe it's the amp sim or something but I didn't like any of these.

But I'm sure there will be plenty of people who will buy your stuff and my opinion doesn't really matter that much in this context.
I think the mp3 samples sounds great, they definently sounds Joey Sturgisish, thats maybe why some "true" metalheads tries to bash it...