JOHN BUSH: My Time With ANTHRAX Is 'Over' - Sep. 25, 2005

Nothing has changed because of an interview that we all participated in 4 months ago. What it doesn't say is that without this reunion tour, the band is over. No new record, nothing. It would've been impossible for us to continue as Anthrax. This tour is a bridge to the future of this band. Don't bother speculating on it. It's all going to come down to the music. We'll start writing and see where it takes us just like we've always done.
1. Once again, we hear band news first on Blabbermouth, not on the site. Glad I saved my money by not joining the CDC.
2. Mr. Wu: "What it doesn't say is that without this reunion tour, the band is over. No new record, nothing. It would've been impossible for us to continue as Anthrax." Is it just me, or does this statement confirm the original theory that it was all about the $$$?
3. mrthrax: "he coulda been apart of something so special ,he chose to not take part" Let's say your girlfriend/wife says "I'm going to fuck my old boyfriend for a while, you're welcome to join me in a threesome, or maybe somewhere down the line we can hook up again" Would you stick around?
4. spacebeer: "And to all Bush fans, don't blame Joey he has nothing to do with it..." I'm not sure anyone ever blamed Joey.
5. RBC: Now there's a club I'll join :rock:
6. I always thought Billy Milano was an obnoxious asshole who was blowing hot air about how Scott and Charlie treated him. Now I wonder if he wasn't right on the money all along...
7. :waah: RIP to the band that created my favorite 3 albums of the 90's.
8. John, where and when you do resurface, let me know and I'll be there.
eighteeschick said:
I had never heard of Blabbermouth until I registered here so I'm not sure of their accuracy. Does anyone know how often their stories have been wrong? Better question, since this relates to the Revolver magazine issue, is that really what it says in the magazine article? Among_the_dead (think that's who it was) didn't actually say that John Bush was out when he was talking about the article, just that there were Reunion Blues.
Actually, this is a good question. Can anyone confirm that the article actually said that? Or is Blabbermouth taking things out of context?

So Anthrax wouldn't have been able to continue without the reunion tour? What does that mean? That all the momentum built up from WCFYA, MOMD, 2 Evils, was for nothing?
I think this all sucks for John, Rob, AND Joey, and Dan; "we'll call you when we need you"
We have no control over Revolver magazine. This is the first we've heard of it as well. Maybe I should subsribe so we can post the info first.
Not being able to continue relates to us not flushing another two years of our lives down the toilet. That's all I can say.
the_walking_dude said:
yeah but hopefully we will hear songs like Horror of it all, one man stands, imittaion of life, skeletons, stand or fall live. Now that is not sad lol!!! I see no reason why joey could not sing safe home or only. might need to alter the tunings but he is a great singer and would do an amazing job of them

Why the FUCK would we ever wanna hear "Safe home" again.....pff that was the definitive worst song they ever made IMO!
in reply to nafnikufesin :

so your saying the band should have just broke up ? maybe the people who have been in the band from day one don't want to see their dream die if it dosn't have to just to apease fans of the bush stuff (i am one also). it also says don't speculate.
blabbercock is a gossip fest and people eat that shit up. you get a couple quotes from an interview and that seals the deal ? who knows when that interview was done or in what context those quotes were made.
and billy milano is a bag of hot air. he likes to get a rise out of people by talking shit so i don't know if i'd go jumping on his band wagon yet.
people always yell "sell out" at musicians but, they go to their crappy jobs all week and do what their bosses tell them to do and work overtime when they maybe had plans that night. that's selling out to. in a weaker form because a musician is living his dream of making music no matter what they have to do. the guy at the "9 to 5 for life" has abandoned his dreams a long time ago. i went for a year and a half on generic canned food and hand outs. i was sleeping on couches and floors but i wasn't punchin a clock. it's hard not knowing when your next 20 dollars is coming. at the end of the day it's what sells to the guys in charge, so sell out is not a bad term. you either need to move product or move out of the way. sorry but , that's the way the world of music really goes.

mr wu as silly as it may sound to you i'd give my left nut to be in your position. you guys have had a hell of a carrer so far and i hope thrax comes back strong when it's all said and done
I'm curious to see if the content in the Blabbermouth article turns out to be true.
I hate to think that I would learn something from Blabbermouth before I hear it from the CDC.
We'll see................
nafnikufesin said:
3. mrthrax: "he coulda been apart of something so special ,he chose to not take part" Let's say your girlfriend/wife says "I'm going to fuck my old boyfriend for a while, you're welcome to join me in a threesome, or maybe somewhere down the line we can hook up again" Would you stick around?

Nice post, nafnikufesin.....ALL of it.

But this specific comment is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time! :lol:
It's so true!

Great job! :worship:
Has Bush really said anything definite? He just said he's going on as if he's out. Can't blame him there - I don't think he should be waiting by the phone for the invite back into the fold here....but he didn't exactly say he's finished with Anthrax forever, either. Belladonna seems to be a great guy, but it doesn't sound like Bush and Anthrax are severing any ties to each other.
This news only confirms what I've felt since just before the official April Fools day announcement of the reunion. Anthrax as I know and loved it is over. Heck they were here in Cleveland last night and even if I didn't have a wedding to attend, despite not missing them at all over the last few years they've come to town I had no interest in a nostalgia trip.

I loved the old Anthrax material too, but SOWN and beyond is where it's at for me. Even if by some miracle they do record and tour with Bush again, I may just be too sick and tired of being jerked around as a fan.
Originally Posted by Mr. Wu
Not being able to continue relates to us not flushing another two years of our lives down the toilet. That's all I can say.

Drokk said:
they may have made some head way and released a great album but , they could owe money to the record company or, it might have cost enough to where when it's all said and done they still owed at the end of the day. the band pays for everything they do and the record company recoups the money as the tour and sales go on. the musician gets paid last if there is any money left. if not the band who usually is a corporation files for backruptcy and then the artist are free to write and record again under a different name .it is a very common occurance in the music biz .not saying thats what happened . but a band who has been around 20 years dosn't want to loose their name. it's a brand logo. people respond to an anthrax or metallica alot quicker than a band of the same guys with a different name. so 2 years of hard work in that scenario could be 2 years where you have less than when you started. again though i'm not saying thats what happened, just i know someone who that did happen to. so it does happen. that would be 2 years down the toliet.
I read that article, and remained confident that John Bush was still in the band and they would record something soon with him. But with what Scott just said.... I'm so sorry to hear that! I LOVED John Bush's work with the band! Yeah, the sales weren't good, but it was the music that kicked ass and the music that mattered! I'm happy to see Joey back, but I will miss never again being able to hear the Bush-era songs played live.

Best of luck to Anthrax and John Bush!
LuvataciousSkull said:
I read that article, and remained confident that John Bush was still in the band and they would record something soon with him.

I already read what Mr. Wu wrote. I was just wondering though if Blabbermouth took what John Bush actually said out of context.