JOHN BUSH: My Time With ANTHRAX Is 'Over' - Sep. 25, 2005

Sodium Pentathol was the idea I had...well, after all, it's clear it was all a sellout movement. No anniversary, no "fun with friends". The record label had no interest in putting out another Bushthrax record and promoters weren't interested either. Simple as that, sad but true. But actually, things are not going to change much. Anthrax is no Iron Maiden. Anthrax is no Judas Priest. The 80's metal is gone.
johnnieCzech said:
Sodium Pentathol was the idea I had...well, after all, it's clear it was all a sellout movement. No anniversary, no "fun with friends". The record label had no interest in putting out another Bushthrax record and promoters weren't interested either. Simple as that, sad but true. But actually, things are not going to change much. Anthrax is no Iron Maiden. Anthrax is no Judas Priest. The 80's metal is gone.

If the collections do sell relatively well, we might be able to see one more album from them, granted probably not on Island or anything like that. Shit, I say, self-release one.....
so the label is like, you do a tour with the A & D lineup and we'll support Anthrax for years to come????
who knows. years to come probley not. a label might say "if we get the band back in the black we can give a new cd a chance and see what happens". maybe they consider all their options and said if we do a reunion tour we can sustain the life and name of the band, shake the tree and see what falls out, if not we have to call it a day. only the guys in the band and those close know. i work with an indpendent label and if the artists don't sell cd's the label can't function. it is great when people are willing to let talent develope and give it another shot but you only get so many chances. i'm sorry some people think that if you sell 10,000 copies you should be able to make another record. but tours and recording and promotion all cost money and the bands and artist pay for all that stuff. musicians make pennies and get the royal screw job until something breaks open. then you have leverage to make deals and get more points and percentage on things. if you don't make money and the label don't make money there is no point to going on. i'm not saying every artist needs to be a millionaire or, that it happens overnite but if you work a job and can't pay your bills , you go get another job. same principle except it's music. if you go on tour for 6-8 months and come back with 10 bucks to your name guess what ? you don't eat. this is how it works and i have NO idea if THRAX is in this positon. i am just telling you what i see with people around me. it sucks to see great talented people loose and bullshit people sustain life but, that is what happens in the world of entertainment. nashville is a tough town and, i see people come in everyday with hope and stars in their eyes and they get crushed and sent home ,broke and bitter but, the glory of getting to the top keeps them coming in.
Everybody should be ashamed of themselves! How do you think all this bickering will make Anthrax feel? You should respect their decisions and futhermore, I will support my favorite band no matter what! This is getting blown way out of proportion. Most of you are just thinking of yourselves!

ThraxMan said:
Everybody should be ashamed of themselves! How do you think all this bickering will make Anthrax feel? You should respect their decisions and futhermore, I will support my favorite band no matter what! This is getting blown way out of proportion. Most of you are just thinking of yourselves!


Sorry if I offended you or anyone else. I'm just trying to understand what's going on. :confused:
And I will always buy a new Anthrax release just like I have for the past 22 years.
the band was almost over as far as I could tell after Frank was time to do something like they are doing now to bring closure or to revisit a winning chemistry..just about every band with a rich history gives it a second or third try... time changes alot of things and at the end of the WCFYA touring cycle it seemed that lineup was falling apart with Frank leaving. Frank , to me is the heart and soul of an Anthrax live performance and this reunion brought him back!!!!! They put out alot of powerful material with Bush..thats a fact but once Frank left I was having a hard time believing it was still the Anthrax I have supported for over 15 years...
BEST post in this entire thread.

Everyone else is all :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: like a buch of spoiled brats. Go form your own band and come talk in 25 years, until then STFU. Its old. Bush is not in Anthrax right now, get over it babies.

ThraxMan said:
Everybody should be ashamed of themselves! How do you think all this bickering will make Anthrax feel? You should respect their decisions and futhermore, I will support my favorite band no matter what! This is getting blown way out of proportion. Most of you are just thinking of yourselves!

I_am_138 said:
BEST post in this entire thread.

Everyone else is all :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: like a buch of spoiled brats. Go form your own band and come talk in 25 years, until then STFU. Its old. Bush is not in Anthrax right now, get over it babies.

WORST post in this entire thread.

This is a message board. It's where we can come and share our thoughts on Anthrax. If you don't like it, there are other threads in here.

There are quite a few threads here that I don't even click on because I know I won't be interested.....but for those of you that do, more power to you.
I'm not going over to threads I don't like and bashing anyone for commenting in there.....................
If you don't like this thread, then don't come in here.
Some of us enjoy this thread.

In your own ever-so-eloquent language............."get over it".

monstro said:
have you guys read the page 5 of the Revolver article?

it says that Belladonna will not get the chance to do another Anthrax album...

I didn't see it as he would not be involved in the album at all.....just that he wouldn't be writing any songs. I think he'll still sing the songs that the others write.
I could be wrong, but that's just how I read it.
I didn't see it as he would not be involved in the album at all.....just that he wouldn't be writing any songs. I think he'll still sing the songs that the others write.
I could be wrong, but that's just how I read it.

yeah, I thought it meant he wouldn't have any creative input if they did an album
Mr. Wu said:
Nothing has changed because of an interview that we all participated in 4 months ago. What it doesn't say is that without this reunion tour, the band is over. No new record, nothing. It would've been impossible for us to continue as Anthrax. This tour is a bridge to the future of this band. Don't bother speculating on it. It's all going to come down to the music. We'll start writing and see where it takes us just like we've always done.

The bullshit keeps getting deeper and deeper with these guys. What's with the indirect answers all the time?? "See where it takes us like we've always done."????? What the fuck is that??? And I don't get how this reunion is about the band not continuing. I thought they said the reason they did it was because of Dimebag's death, that it made them realize that life is short and to do this reunion because you never know when something could happen. That's pretty fuckin sad and disgusting if they're using Dime's death as a cover-up for the real reason...$$$$$$$$$$. Billy Milano was right about these guys the whole time. I hate to say that and think that, but these guys haven't done or said shit to make me think otherwise. I could give a shit who they pick as a singer, granted I think John with Anthrax kicks the shit out of Joey with Anthrax, what gets me is the bullshit these guys dish out. Quit with all the lame b.s. and speak the fucking truth, like it or not, people will respect ya alot more for it. John is probably better off without these guys anyways, he's above all their crap and will be back with a band that crushes. I hope Anthrax finds what they're looking for and I hope John does too, just be fucking honest with your fans, quit fucking us around with your shit.
I would like a round table with the members to discuss what was meant--its easy for each of us to explain our interpretation of their words----where the hell is Wu?
Greg Grabianski said:
Scott Ian...everyone can read between the lines of your last post and it reads: "It's all about the money" loud and clear. You denigrate yourself and your entire band by saying that making great albums and doing kick ass tours is wasting 2 years. Just because you're not in the public spotlight and turning a profit doesn't mean it sucks and is a waste of time. It takes balls to be part of the underground. Now you just sound like an accountant. How lame and un-metal can you get, dude!

Quit your job for a month and see how long it takes you to go find a new one.
Deege said:
Maybe the flushing 2 years down the toilet has something to do with being on Sanctuary LOL. They need to get that contractual shit out of the way with this reunion before they'd ever want to continue with John, as WCFYA was their best record and got no push at all, and they didn't want that to happen again with the follow-up. Hopefully they straighten things out with John and at least let HIM know what's up if they aren't letting the fans know, that way something can happen with John in the future if they want it to.

I think Deege makes a good point. Anthrax does not want shit promotion and what better way to keep their name known and fulfill their contract agreement, without throwing away another great new album to no distribution, than a reunion tour with joey and the rest of the guys???

I dont know though I love Joey Belladonna more than bush and Alive 2 made me think they have a lot mroe energy now then they did with bush when I saw em live. I dont know about you guys but I cant wait for the tour and a chance to meet one of my fuckin guitar idols, Scott "Not" Ian!!!!!! :rock: