Originally Posted by Mr. Wu
Not being able to continue relates to us not flushing another two years of our lives down the toilet. That's all I can say.
they may have made some head way and released a great album but , they could owe money to the record company or, it might have cost enough to where when it's all said and done they still owed at the end of the day. the band pays for everything they do and the record company recoups the money as the tour and sales go on. the musician gets paid last if there is any money left. if not the band who usually is a corporation files for backruptcy and then the artist are free to write and record again under a different name .it is a very common occurance in the music biz .not saying thats what happened . but a band who has been around 20 years dosn't want to loose their name. it's a brand logo. people respond to an anthrax or metallica alot quicker than a band of the same guys with a different name. so 2 years of hard work in that scenario could be 2 years where you have less than when you started. again though i'm not saying thats what happened, just i know someone who that did happen to. so it does happen. that would be 2 years down the toliet.