JOHN BUSH: My Time With ANTHRAX Is 'Over' - Sep. 25, 2005

Drokk, I don't pretend to know the situation with Anthrax and Sanctuary, but let's face it: Sanctuary, as a record label, is in the shitter big-time. Anyone who's followed threads on this board knows that they couldn't promote their way out of a paper bag, even if you gave them a GPS and a sherpa. (Ah, how I long for the days when they were still CMC International... still poor sales, but at least they had publicists who cared.)

Perhaps Sanctuary sees a potential foot-hold out of their financial pit with the Anthrax reunion. The benefits run two ways. The band benefits from the word-of-mouth, as some fans get what they've been waiting to see for 12 years, and they actually get some publicity from the label. Sanctuary benefits from having a name-brand band to promote, and hardcore fans who'll buy the product. (And, as someone else suggested, maybe that's why Scott has to be a bit vague - you don't bite the hand that's feeding you, even if you despise the body it's attached to.)

As for them going to a label like Metal Blade as someone else hinted - well, I dunno if even they have the marketing tools needed to really push any band into the stratosphere. Hey, they were always very good to me when I asked for promotional copies of stuff to review, so please don't think I'm knocking them. But I question whether Metal Blade would be able to give Anthrax more exposure. Honestly, I can't think of a label off the top of my head who could be the be-all, end-all answer - unless the boys went the indie route.

Just my thoughts, anyway.
monstro said:
It´s amazing how some people have this "romantic" idea of the music as if it´s not an industry, the artists are millionaires and they should do it all "for the fans"....

let´s get things straight...

artists do it for the art, for the passion of making it. (romance ends here)
not for the audience (unless you like pre-fabricated artists like Backstreet Boys, Britney and most pop stuff)

artists need to profit from their art, otherwise they would need "day jobs" and that situation sucks.

so, to bash anthrax because they do things "for the money" is ridiculous... of course it´s for the money, it´s their fucking jobs!

ok, it´s a dream job, but that requires talent and not everybody has it!

regarding WCFYA selling too little copies... well, let´s count how many users have mp3s of that...that should get rates up a little... record companies are waiting too much to rethink music as a product. the world has changed and the music industry is stuck, harming the artists in the process.

i told this once... we, as fans, should be grateful for what we get... it´s a blessing. we have to support the band and not act like selfish cunts and complain all the time.


by the way, the southamerican tribute to Anthrtax is coming...have you heard these songs yet???

i love anthrax, both of its main lineups and i try to support them.
i´d do the same for other bands if the let me. (as a matter of fact, COC´s Woody has let me do a brazilian tribute to them, so wait for that...)

c´mon boys, be grateful and stop turning message boards into whining pools.
my concern is more long term, balls to the money thing, balls to the record company thing, this is after all the modern world, get fucked in the asshole and get used to it, thats how it works for everybody...........

anthrax dont have to tell us dick all, they employed john they can fire him like a fucker if they want, its the way of jobs these days !!

my concern is this, when the reunion tour bubble bursts, when they are bck to having to write another album, where do they go?!?!?!? the have turned their back on 12 years of work, and thats a lot to suddenly claim stinks, even maiden sstill play blaze bayley songs! van halen play song of both eras, anthrax turn their back on everything......... thats l;eaving it all to the old days, and like i say when those days turn again stale, this muso inudstry love of proper metal will die again very very soon, leaving anthrax back where they were 12 years ago, when they ditched joey cos he wasnt with the new sound and solos too cos they werent "trendy" back then either

following trends kill you.........

thats why i am bummed, its not just the end of bush anthrax, this is the end of anthrax full stop.

i only hope they do raise enough cash from this tour and double album stuff to retire, cos i dont see what they are going to do after this..........

shame they were a great band.........
Perhaps Sanctuary sees a potential foot-hold out of their financial pit with the Anthrax reunion. The benefits run two ways. The band benefits from the word-of-mouth, as some fans get what they've been waiting to see for 12 years, and they actually get some publicity from the label. Sanctuary benefits from having a name-brand band to promote, and hardcore fans who'll buy the product. (And, as someone else suggested, maybe that's why Scott has to be a bit vague - you don't bite the hand that's feeding you, even if you despise the body it's attached to.)

also the record company has to invest very little money to package either best of's or live albums (in comparison to new studio recordings). the songs on the best of were remasterd but they have already proven themselves as sellable tunes. and a live album can be recorded at one gig as oppossed to months in the studio. it's almost like a sure bet for the label and the band has something to promote while on the road.
the record company wants to make a profit. bottom line. no matter who it is. it is a buisiness and nobody goes in buisiness to give their money away.
Unbelieveable. What`s the point of doing a reunionbashers web site?? Holy shit! would you do a web site for every thing in life you don`t agree with?? Leave the members in peace, let them be free to do whatever they want with the band...coz at least they still exist. I understand those who love ans support John. He`s a nice guy and a good frontman for the band, for me....well, everytime I speak off of anthrax to someone not into metal I always refer John as The "new" guy...after 12 year, he was still the "New" guy for me!! yes, I love Joey, always did and always know what? my first Anthrax record was SoE, and I fucking loved it at first listen, then I got myself PoT and then StD. I listened to them 10 times every day...that was in 1993!! I wasn`t into the internet world, no friends into thrash music, no one to tell me "the" news. So when I went and bought SoWN and realized that the guy I love on vocal was gone 2 years before!!!!! It was a shock to me, it really was....maybe that`s why I still call John the "new" guy. But the fact is that I LOVE Anthrax`s music. I bought all the records the same day they were out, so the DvD, just `coz it is MY band!! yeah I like the band more with Joey, but why the hell would I be sooo stupid to bash about John, because I didn`t like him as much as Joey? It was not my business, those members who take desitions (yeah Charlie and Scott) brought him, and it was OK to me.
Why can`t you take it as it comes?? It`s what they want! It`s Anthrax. The band that you support. The one you spend money on. The one that gets ya desperate everytime they put an album on street......SUPPORT ANTHRAX!!!

`nuff said
Look bush was ok man but getting the crew back together ,was the
deal .

Even if it's just for the show I saw last night.

It did this oldschool muther fucker a world of good.

The problem is the ones that dont like it .

Were too young to enjoy the original line up.

So now they are screaming thinking that they are bulls,but let reality show
there just a bunch of cafes who's nut sacks havent dropped yet!!!

Here's my point Bush is a great singer no doubt ,but I would rather see him with Armored saint it's just a better fit that's all and I would pay big bucks to
that show too.

Why people have to dog the old school line ups are beyond me .

I saw the show last night and it was the shit PERIOD OK.

Wouldn't be cool to see a anthrax and armored saint show.

Think about
This is why I didn't like the idea of a reunion tour.
It was great seeing Joey on stage again belting out the oldies sounding like he never missed a beat. But it's AWESOME seeing Bush on stage kicking out the new stuff. Just as the band has grown with there music, so have I.
Almost all the Anthrax albums are awesome but some of the ones with Bush are some of my personal favorite albums of all time.
John if your out there I hope this is just a bunch of soap opera talk and that after all this craziness is over everyone comes to there senses and realizes YOU are the lead singer of this band and we get back into pumping out some more killer CD's.
Hawng said:
The fall of Anthrax, pretty sad when you think about it. Billy Milano was right again.

^Yep^ I have plenty of other bands that I enjoy so it isn't that big of a deal to me. I just wish Scott would get on with it and just say what the real deal is so these threads could stop popping up every five minutes. This bickering between everyone is so fucking old
Gator smooth, how do you know that the people who favor Bush over Belladonna didn't enjoy the Belladonna years? I enjoyed both so I can compare and I still prefer Bush, because I don't want one of my favourite bands to be limited to songs from more than ten years ago.

Among the last eight release were seven compilations/live albums. That's something I don't like. I desperately want new material and as of now I don't know whether that's possible given the statements of the band. I just don't think it's possible for them to write songs like they did in the eighties and I doubt that Belladonna would fit their style of the last studio albums. Apart from that TGOTE just doesn't make any sense at all if they fired Bush for good. It would have made sense if they did a "the old years" tour like Iron Maiden does these days even though Bruce Dickinson wasn't even the singer of some of these songs. I don't think they would have thrashed any less with Bush in these songs.

All I want is for Anthrax to continue without being a band totally relying on "the good old days" and constantly touring with just these songs.

Of course I know that the record sales went down and they probably need the money (who doesn't?) and get pressure from the label but on the long run as a fan I just don't see a very bright future with the current lineup. Taking the number of reviews at amazon as a sign of the number of people interested in albums or dvds, there are exactly zero reviews of the Alive2 or the anthology releases at amazon Germany while there are quite some good one for WCFYA, MOMD and TGOTE. Not a very good sign from my point of view.
MyHatred said:
^Yep^ I have plenty of other bands that I enjoy so it isn't that big of a deal to me. I just wish Scott would get on with it and just say what the real deal is so these threads could stop popping up every five minutes. This bickering between everyone is so fucking old

Pretty true man, some people here act like ANTHRAX is the only thing in their life! Man I have 1,000s of bands I like!
Who's band is it? Anthrax's I believe! So keep your stupid bitching to some bands you don't like!

I don't care who sings, the music rocks and thats all I care for. What has Joey and Dan done wrong?
Deege and Ragman, thanks for your insight. Your posts were on the money. And speaking of money, we really missed the boat here. We should've sold this whole thing to VH1. They could've aired it right after Surreal Life. Or better yet HBO because then we could have all the swearing and whores. No trannies though!
Thank you all for your concern, thoughts, opinions, questions etc. I do read them. Having a window that lets you look outside the bubble you're in is a good thing.
All bands are dysfunctional. Every single one in the history of music. Why? Because bands are families and what's more dysfunctional than a family? A band. It's a vicious circle. Bands spend more time together than with anyone else in their lives. Sometimes it gets shitty. You persevere because you love being in a band. Unless you were in it with us 24/7 you could never understand and no matter what I say or do, it doesn't matter. This too shall pass. I'll be posting here next year about a new album and you'll either like it or you won't. Simple as that.
Now go have a drink, or play with your kids, or have sex, or listen to Maiden really loud or whatever it is that puts a smile on your face.

PS Just to clear this up, the chronology of that article is incorrect. Charlie first brought up the reunion to me last summer in Europe. The wheels were in motion before Dime's murder. For Charlie, it was Dime's murder that sealed it for him. Read Charlie's quote in the article.
Well, bash me if you want to - but I only liked Anthrax with Bush and there's no point in me posting until he's the current singer on stage or on record with the band.

When/if that ever happens I'll grace these boards again.

Have a good 'un

Talk about a bunch of unloyal ingrate fans! Your just thinking of yourselves! What kind of fans are you?? If you don't like the band anymore, get the fuck out of here! If you don't like who the singer is or isn't, that's your peroggative, but don't go and drag everybody else down here!

GregadetH said:
Well, bash me if you want to - but I only liked Anthrax with Bush and there's no point in me posting until he's the current singer on stage or on record with the band.

When/if that ever happens I'll grace these boards again.

Have a good 'un

No bashing from me. It's too bad you feel that way, but I'm almost there.
No more bashing! Lineups or opinions. Sure there is nothing wrong with stating what you prefer but why slam everything else. I wan't Anthrax to continue any and all ways it can.
Utopia Tour:
Belladonna w/Paul Crook
Armored Saint
Nuclear Assault
The whole damn bunch what are Turbin and Caggiano doing?
While we are at it, get the younger Bellos and such up on stage too!! I bet they have the gift too!
Sure it wouldn't be easy but nothing worthwhile is.
I'll support Anthrax. If it's with John or Joey, Rob or Danny or Paul Crook, Frankie or Joey Vera, so on and so forth. Anthrax rules as long as it's Anthrax.
If you'd like to help, contact me at with your name and home address to join the steet team if you haven't already.