JRT12's Stinnett Guitar build

Hey Will, when you made that 3d model, did you already have some pre-drawn/pre-modeled elements for like the Floyd etc. or did you model everything from scratch?
Hey Will, when you made that 3d model, did you already have some pre-drawn/pre-modeled elements for like the Floyd etc. or did you model everything from scratch?

Everything from scratch. A combination of diagrams I found on the internet and measuring the stuff I've got on hand. I would have liked to find some existing models - but I wouldn't have trusted them....lol. I would have recreated them anyway.

Of course, this is the payoff of all the design work:


Just a question about the "feel" of fretboards; if you're "feeling" the fretboard at all on a guitar with super jumbo frets (AKA anything remotely metal), doesn't that indicate a pretty big error in technique? :zombie:
Just a question about the "feel" of fretboards; if you're "feeling" the fretboard at all on a guitar with super jumbo frets (AKA anything remotely metal), doesn't that indicate a pretty big error in technique? :zombie:

Yeah, well you certainly don't want to be pushing down on the strings hard enough to touch the board with normal fretting, but certainly when you dig in for bends and agressive vibrato it's pretty common for your finger tips to slide around on the wood. Mine do.
Yeah, well you certainly don't want to be pushing down on the strings hard enough to touch the board with normal fretting, but certainly when you dig in for bends and agressive vibrato it's pretty common for your finger tips to slide around on the wood. Mine do.

Yeah, while the string itself doesn't hit the board while fretting it, some part of your finger most likely will, especially while bending.

I just picked up my Tele (maple board) and my Dellinger (ebony board) and the difference is quite noticeable..
...but certainly when you dig in for bends and agressive vibrato it's pretty common for your finger tips to slide around on the wood. Mine do.

Me too. Or I can even feel the string on the fretboard...depending on how aggressive I'm being. If an inlay isn't set in there perfectly smooth...I'll feel it on a wide vibrato or huge bend. About technique...I have no idea. I never had anyone to learn from, so I guess I just have my own. I've been told it's strange...but it works for me! :)
Yeah, well you certainly don't want to be pushing down on the strings hard enough to touch the board with normal fretting, but certainly when you dig in for bends and agressive vibrato it's pretty common for your finger tips to slide around on the wood. Mine do.

Hmm, well I certainly do plenty of bends and aggressive vibrato; I guess I just never noticed...