Just got back from Sydney show...

have you ever know me to smell something wrong? :Smug: I can go back and fix it if you like? :rolleyes:
Oh well, in any case Spike it was a really awesome gig. It was everything I expected and much more... just the level of interaction with the band was amazing and I think I'm set for the long wait whilst they get the new album penned. It's a shame you couldn't catch this one.
hehe, when mike was out the back after the 2nd gig he said we should all get...... well, you can guess, and come again. ;) my reply to him was "sure, cos we could all pass for 17 year olds here. :rolleyes: besides, methinks there would have been some very upset and dissapointed young lads there willing to greet me with their fists after my shennanigans recently. :erk:

I can only take on so many teeny-bopper-goths at once. :Smug:

Just kidding. You lads seem to rock. :rock:
bwahahhaa, well not everyone is a fan of pointless jokes :). twas weird because we got to the venue at 10:30 and we ran into the bald dude that seems to manage things and he said to us 'you DO realize that its an under 18 gig' and we're like 'yeah... and that's what we are'. So its kinda funny that ID was needed to prove the reverse.

Still there was this one dude there that looked old as fuck... the guys at the door all gave him shit until he presented ID ahhaha.
wow, so how did it work? had to bring photo ID with proof of age of birth? that's a little hard to come buy unless you're going for your liscence....
woah, that had to suck. you like the pics? will put more up later. dagnabbit peter is tall. :bah:
we should prolly move this to MSN, cos it's starting to look more like a convo than a series of posts.... but I'm knackered so I think I'm gonna hit the hay...... talk you later though. if you want you can reach me at spike_7_11@hotmail.com

night. :wave:
did everyone notice that mikael did the "cough" on the moor live aswell (at the exact same time it appears on the cd but very softly). so its not just a fuck up on the recording its actually ment to be there.