Just got introduced to Katatonia... Question?

i think you will goin to like this guyz

and yes Monokromia sound like modern kata

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I didn't see Novembre listed anywhere? I like them, even thiough I don't like their vocalist near as much as the one from Katatonia. I agree with everyone about Monokromia. While the vocalist is still not as appealing as Jonas, they have some beautiful melodies in their music and there are times when the vocalist fits perfect with the music.

I also didn't see A Perfect Circle or Tool listed? Surely you must already know them though?

If you like the "lighter/ambient" side to Katatonia, another band I really like is Broken Iris. They are more of an acoustic ambience band, but feature some nice vocals and soundscapes in their music.

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In Absentia is the kind of abstract record that takes time to fully digest. Deadwing on the other hand is a lot more accessible,
Uhm, you must mean exactly the opposite??!

In Absentia is unquestionably their most accessible album, it starts out with 2 of their catchiest and most popular/easy to get into songs (Blackest Eyes and Trains)! Deadwing definitely takes more time to digest with its longer songs, slightly less melodic and more ambient feel. Also, In Absentia wins any 'what album got you into PT' poll by miles.
No way man. You simply think that because was the first record most of us here heard after SW produced BWP, and therefor the first we got into. Considering the record is their darkest it's also more appealing to people like us who like darker music.

Lips of Ashes, Gravity Eyelids, The Creator Has a Mastertape, and Strip the Soul. There's a lot of odd songs on there that take a while to catch on. Then there's the more depressing tracks like Heartattack in a Layby, and Collapse the Light into Earth. Sure Trains, and Sound of Muzak are catchy, but one's a downer song, the other is cynical. Like I said it's a lot darker album musically, and lyrically; not to mention the record is eclectic as hell. I got it when it came out, and unlike their other records I have to be in the right mood to listen to it. Deadwing on the other hand has huge choruses in practically all the songs. Shallow, Lazurus, Halo, Mellotron Scratch, Open Car, and The Start of Something Beautiful. These are catchy easy to listen to tunes. Then you have the laid back Glass Arm Shattering. Just because it has two songs that are more progressive in structure doesn't mean jack. Sure they're more progressive, but fairly straight forward otherwise, and not as peculiar as the IA recordings. Seriously think about it.
No way man. You simply think that because was the first record most of us here heard after SW produced BWP, and therefor the first we got into. Considering the record is their darkest it's also more appealing to people like us who like darker music.

Lips of Ashes, Gravity Eyelids, The Creator Has a Mastertape, and Strip the Soul. There's a lot of odd songs on there that take a while to catch on. Then there's the more depressing tracks like Heartattack in a Layby, and Collapse the Light into Earth. Sure Trains, and Sound of Muzak are catchy, but one's a downer song, the other is cynical. Like I said it's a lot darker album musically, and lyrically; not to mention the record is eclectic as hell. I got it when it came out, and unlike their other records I have to be in the right mood to listen to it. Deadwing on the other hand has huge choruses in practically all the songs. Shallow, Lazurus, Halo, Mellotron Scratch, Open Car, and The Start of Something Beautiful. These are catchy easy to listen to tunes. Then you have the laid back Glass Arm Shattering. Just because it has two songs that are more progressive in structure doesn't mean jack. Sure they're more progressive, but fairly straight forward otherwise, and not as peculiar as the IA recordings. Seriously think about it.
You're right there are more 'odd' songs on IA, still Deadwing took quite some time to grow on me, more than IA. I came to like Deadwing better as an album than IA, I think it's more consistent. I also based my comment on what I mostly see people suggest when someone asks for a goosd startingpoint for PT, most people mention IA.

Oh well, it's different for everybody..
FlawedCoil- Liking that Broken Iris you posted. I'll look into that more! Perhaps a little too radio ready for me but that is probably the 'hit single' from the album.

Of course I've heard of tool and APC. 13th Step is great. Much prefered to Mer De Noms. Aenima is great. Much prefered to anything else from tool. Sorry if that's sacrilege to anyone!

I started listening back Deadwing in the car yesterday. It's not bad at all. I'll give it a few more spins before making any judgements. Then I'll try In Absentia again. I really like old Pink Floyd etc. So perhaps it will grow on me. I needed to find a place to access the music first. Perhaps that's Deadwing for me.

I got a long list of stuff to check out. You guys are awesome!
