
happy Birthday Vincent!
I whish I could come back at your age:)

Too bad I cannot come at the metting, but I hope I can make it for the next one..in Germany, Sweden or why not Italy:)
@MadTinus: Thank you =)

@Vincent: Ouuuh ... didn't notice your birthday :erk: I'm so very sorry ó.Ò... HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dear =) congrats to your "special age" ... *cough cough* ... the first thing I did back then was almost getting arrested *LOL* ... don't take me as a role model :rolleyes:
BloodySwan said:
@MadTinus: Thank you =)

@Vincent: Ouuuh ... didn't notice your birthday :erk: I'm so very sorry ó.Ò... HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dear =) congrats to your "special age" ... *cough cough* ... the first thing I did back then was almost getting arrested *LOL* ... don't take me as a role model :rolleyes:
danke schön:p

ah well, I'm still doing ok, no laws broken yet :)(well, at least that I know of)

I prefer **********, clonazepam and diazepam :Smug:

they sound cute (?)

edit: hahah it didn't allow me to say alp... but it allow me to say the other two! haha this is funny.
But why it's not allowed to name some kind of *****? and anyway, there's not much difference between alp and clon and diaz. They're used for the same purposes, there's just some little differences between the duration of the effects and etc... well, weird thing, hah.