katatonia collection

Today 'added' to my collection: "Tonight's Decision" poster in a beee-ooootifool frame! :D

Already have the poster for over 3 years (bought at their gig with Opeth in Zaandam, November 2001), but never got around to having it framed, now I finally have. Next step: put it up on the wall, another 3 years..? Naaahh :p
I just bought Saw You Drown for 10 dollars, tell me of the different versions of it please, mine isn't with a sticker specificying the number of my copy, but the number is printed on the CD box's side where AV028 is supposed to be.

I'm very pleased.

EDIT: Number printed on the Jewelcase is 113 in black, is that out of 1500?
Crimson Death said:
I just bought Saw You Drown for 10 dollars, tell me of the different versions of it please, mine isn't with a sticker specificying the number of my copy, but the number is printed on the CD box's side where AV028 is supposed to be.

I'm very pleased.

EDIT: Number printed on the Jewelcase is 113 in black, is that out of 1500?

Both of my SYDs had a sticker on it that stated this::::



on one of mine it had the sticker on the back of the cd....the other was the front.....so I dont know if they just stuck them all over or what.....if there isnt a sticker...I would question its authenticity...
these are Anders words on that subject....taken from an email.....

"the european version is missing the gold tone in the text and will be replaced when its sold out. The american version has a bad packaging design where it cuts off one page"

I have both versions....but the jewel case one is still sealed.....and I wont open it intill I get it signed.....

Hope this helps......
Deliverance6 said:
if there isnt a sticker...I would question its authenticity...
It could be that the case was replaced cause it was broken. It's a shame they put that sticker on the case instead of writing the number on the booklet or the CD, cause cases break sometimes.. Mine also has a crack in it, happened on the way from Italy to Holland back when I ordered it from Avantgarde.

So, that copy is probably authentic, I never saw any bootlegs of it..
Deliverance6 said:
The unnofficial Katatonia archivist


Anyway, the booklet is legit and everything, I guess the box was replaced. My friend is coming by with his digicam so I'll take pics of the lucky item when he'll be here and post them.
Booklet + half of the CD:


The CD:


Track listing:


Number thing I mentioned:


Me and the CD:

the booklet and the cd appears to be 100% the real thing here, but what confuses me is that number on the spine. it should NOT be there. is it written on the actual booklet's spine or on the jewel case spine? if its written on the booklet its a ironically a flawed and ruined copy of 'saw you drown'. if its written on the case, u could just get replace it (no real need too tho, since no damage is done)...hmm... somehow i think that number could have been added there by the former owner since he got rid of the sticker... ??
It's on the jewelcase and not on the paper, yeah.

I guess he did do that,

Thanks for the clarification, Anders.

Now I'm down to hunting down Dance of Decermber Souls' No Fashion version and JHVA CD and I'm done.

One last question, I heard Sounds of Decay was released twice, true or not?
If so, what are the apparent differences (year, label, album graphics, etc.).
kool then! and congratz for finding copy #133 of saw you drown!!!
'sounds of decay' exist in two versions yes. one with dry matte paper and one with glossy. the dry version has darker print to the point where u cant even read some words.