katatonia collection

If i dont remember wrong, Micke of Opeth has a red testprint vinyl of TD (I know it´s red testprint vinyl, but i am not sure about the TD part..).
I asked if he would trade it for my right leg, but he refused...
Hobo said:
If i dont remember wrong, Micke of Opeth has a red testprint vinyl of TD (I know it´s red testprint vinyl, but i am not sure about the TD part..).
I asked if he would trade it for my right leg, but he refused...

that's brutal!
or as they say on Little Britain: computer says no
paradoxile said:
or as they say on Little Britain: computer says no
:D That is one hilarious, over the top comedy series!


Hard to tell, but I like how the Opeth cds match each other...logo on top, song titles on the bottom...Had to buy the Still Life Promo to get it to look like the rest. Now I'm happy.

Also, here are the new pics of the new Deluxe issue of GR...Yah I gave into temptation...=P
I have the "for funerals to come mcd" with the WHITE logo instead of purple, limited to 100 copies. (first 100 made of the first pressing) It also have red logo on the cd insted of pink. Does anyone else here got it? Guess it must be pretty hard to find.
I have the "for funerals to come mcd" with the WHITE logo instead of purple, limited to 100 copies. (first 100 made of the first pressing) It also have red logo on the cd insted of pink. Does anyone else here got it? Guess it must be pretty hard to find.

I have one of course....I used to have 2 of them but I sold one.....I suppose I dont need 2 of everything....:)
OMG you guys...you won't believe it
on monday I passed through the mall in my city on the way home from univesrsity and guess what I saw...

A fresh copy of TGCD(jewl case, not swedish box) in a mainstream cd store...
I was like omg...but a 100 shekels(22 US$).thank goodness I already had it and bought it in a decent price too.
I wish they would have brought the swedish box TGCD to Israel