katatonia collection

^Damn you! I've been checking ebay for Kata shirts alot lately and finally found an awesome one. I messaged the seller just to see if I can buy it out cause I don't want to wait. :)

The Black Sessions one is for a friend of mine. There are a few more t shirts up for grab the moment.

Does anyone on here trade live bootlegs? Or is that looked upon badly ahem. I have a couple I could upload if it isn't against policies or something. I hate people that sell live bootlegs.

What ones have you got?
The Black Sessions one is for a friend of mine. There are a few more t shirts up for grab the moment.

What ones have you got?

On this computer right now I have Live in Dublin 2001 and Paris 2001.
The sound on the Dublin one is pretty poor, but Paris is quite OK. The setlist seems short on the Dublin one too, so it may not be complete. Were you there perhaps?

I used to live in Swords. I miss Ireland. :(

Sadly listening to live bootlegs and watching dvds is as close as I have come to seeing Katatonia live. Hopefully next time they tour, I can make it to Europe but I need to know wayyy in advance.
On this computer right now I have Live in Dublin 2001 and Paris 2001.
The sound on the Dublin one is pretty poor, but Paris is quite OK. The setlist seems short on the Dublin one too. Were you there perhaps?

I used to live in Swords. I miss Ireland. :(

I wasn't there. I've only been listening to Katatonia a few months. Started listening to them before the Melloboat gig. Haven't stopped since!

I've had the Paris one but deleted it. Wasn't the best of bootlegs imo.

So you miss Ireland? Come back over so! :lol:
Sorry if this is kinda off-topic, but I keep seeing people mention a Katatonia live DVD but I can't find it.. Is it a bootleg or something or is it the real deal? I know they have the "Live Consternation" audio cd, but I didn't know they did a DVD.
Sorry if this is kinda off-topic, but I keep seeing people mention a Katatonia live DVD but I can't find it.. Is it a bootleg or something or is it the real deal? I know they have the "Live Consternation" audio cd, but I didn't know they did a DVD.

Yeah theres a dvd version of it aswell. It was officially released. Also theres a live dvd from the Viva Emptiness tour that comes with the Black Sessions cd. Personally i prefer the Black Sessions dvd. Jonas's voice is in top form for it.
Yes there is a dvd and cd of Live Consternation...

All we were trying to say earlier is that the band (err..Anders) was saying that they wanted to release kinda their own new dvd. A much more involved/behind the scenes/studio stuff one. I'm guessing this has been put on hold since they are currently working on the new album.
I wasn't there. I've only been listening to Katatonia a few months. Started listening to them before the Melloboat gig. Haven't stopped since!

I've had the Paris one but deleted it. Wasn't the best of bootlegs imo.

So you miss Ireland? Come back over so! :lol:

Do you have any others? I have some but they aren't with me now so I can't say which ones.

Well I miss Ireland, but couldn't handle living there again. Will visit again sometime and do another drive to Galway or somewhere in the south.
I also have that Dublin bootleg, and the Opeth set from that night. Have the Paris one and one from Norrkopping,Sweden 1993. Also have two shows from germany 1996. I dont know if they are complete though as there is only three songs from each show.
My shirt arrived today!

Well...I'm a fucking worm compared to some people here.

My collection (so far)

Dance of December Souls (original)
For Funerals to Come (Purple logo)
Brave Murder Day (Black and white bandlogo, don't know if it is first edition or what)
Discouraged Ones (Original)
The Great Cold Distance (Special swedish edition clam box thing)

There will be more...
Well, here's my entire collection, or "the stash" as I refer to it.

Not very big, but that can be improved of course:


Dance of December Souls (bonus tracks)
Brave Murder Day (bonus tracks)
Viva Emptiness
Deliberation EP
Live Consternation CD/DVD

Sorry about the shithouse quality of the picture, I'm bad with cameras and my phone camera isn't great. Crap lighting in my room this morning too.
Do you have any others? I have some but they aren't with me now so I can't say which ones.

Well I miss Ireland, but couldn't handle living there again. Will visit again sometime and do another drive to Galway or somewhere in the south.

I have the Paris one from 2001 again now and i got my hands on one from Vicenza in 2003.

What was the setlist from the Dublin show?