Why do you continue to make odd claims like this. I really do not get it. I explained this like a million times in the evolution thread, scientific knowledge is constantly expanding and advancing. Ofcourse there are still things science cannot explain yet (if you added that word you would almost have been half right) or simply doesn't know about at this moment. I've never seen any definition of science that claimed to know everything there is to know. It is infact quite the opposite.
And even if we grant you, for argument's sake, that there are things that science will never explain, what makes you think that your religion (and conveniently only yours, not the several thousand other doctrines outthere) is exactly right about all the specifics of this supposed "reality outside of science" that humans apparently cannot perceive or understand? Have you gone through the doctrines of every religion outthere, applied some systematic evaluation method and picked the "best" one? Probably not. The only reason why you believe what you believe is because that is what you have been taught to believe. Just like a Muslim believes their truths and morals are correct and a Jew theirs, all simply based on being told so by their respective doctrines and not by applying any kind of critical thinking.
That is irrational. Like it or not.
I consider myself rational because I do not make any ridiculously detailed assumptions about the nature of our reality when there is no reason or evidence to support those assumptions at all. If you want to believe that there is a reality beyond human perception and understanding then fine, but that means you also have to concede that you, as a human being, will never know anything of it with any kind of certainty and claiming otherwise is simply foolish.