
Andy Sneap

Metal Guru
Apr 17, 2002
at home

Look what arrived today! Sounds pretty amazing on first hearing, going to mic up tomorrow so I'll stick some MP3's up.
That thing looks awesome as hell. Is that the Revolution model?

I'm ready to hear a full review of that thing. It's been getting a lot of praise lately. Now's probably the time to buy before they become popular and start jacking up the prices.
I wonder how that cab sounds.. it's seems sort of small to me. I like oversized cabs with a lot of air space. It sure looks pretty, but can it deliver? Guess we'll find out soon huh Andy?
commandante said:
I hope it is Krankenstein. I read lots of reviews of Revolution...

i checked out both the Revolution and the Krankenstein at NAMM.. the Krankenstein has a big logo on the faceplate which says....*dramatic pause*... "Krankenstien".

so i believe it's a Revolution.

James Murphy said:
i checked out both the Revolution and the Krankenstein at NAMM.. the Krankenstein has a big logo on the faceplate which says....*dramatic pause*... "Krankenstien".

so i believe it's a Revolution.

Ha! Ok, I guess it is a Rev then. How did you like them?

By the way, I watched their factory tour on Guitar World's CD and they say that metalplate on the cab is also removable. Maybe Andy can mike it both ways(with plate on and off) so we can hear the difference.
They might look a little childish looking in my opinion, with all that loud logo and the colour, but hell yeah they do sound fucking awesome! Heard some samples on the Krank website. Now we just wait to hear some samples from Andy himself.. :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I heard very good samples and contrasting opinions 'bout them... I was wondering if it could be worth to get a Revolution Series One Head and Cab...

Can't wait to hear Andy's opinion on Krank!
Andy Sneap said:
not had chance to mic it yet, but it sounds absolutely incredible

Cool...can't wait to get a chance to hear them. They've peaked my interest. The last group of guys I talked to seem to be saying just the opposite about the amp...they claimed it was "thin sounding," and that it was basically a tube amp that sounds like a solid state amp.
Well, I read on that these amps claim to be high gain, but they actually have little usuable gain and it tries to sound like the boomy Mesa's. I'm surprised to see the guys from Arch Enemy are using these now, well, of course it's an endorsement, but, Andy, is it possible to get 5150 gain and sound out of this? I mean, having to put the gain knob at 1 o'clock and not at 10?
Wow, I did not know that Arch Enemy endorses Krank. I recently saw them in an ad for the Peavey 6505. Thats too bad. I wasn't crazy about the Kranks' tone when I tried them out. Maybe they'll have better luck.
the Shadows Fall guys tried the Revolutions out at NAMM and were so impressed they signed an exclusive deal with Krank right away.. something they would not have done if they sounded like "boomy mesas" i was hanging out with them while Matt and John were testing them out and they sounding awesome to me.

i would suggest that the people who claimed they had little usable gain and sounded like boomy mesas were undoubtedly not using EMG pick-ups and probably didn't set them correctly.

i'm not a Krank endorsee, i own only Framus and VHT heads and cabs.. which i love and sound fantastic, but i have to admit the Krank was killer too.
Yup, check this out:

I have a bad feeling about this, I hope they don't go more nu-metallish on their next album, I mean, Anthems is great, awesome, but you can hear that nasty worm lurking there, nu-metal riffs and ideas, that is (compared to Wages Of Sin). I mean, from what i read on forums these amps seem to be more appealing to the open chord people than the palm muted speed death/thrash Arch Enemy does.