Last movie you've watched

I'm not having a good run with movies at the moment. Saw another stinker the other night called "Syriana", starring George Clooney. It was an extremely hard to follow political drama about evil American oil companies merging in the middle east. It took so long to figure out what was going on that by the time I did, I was well beyond caring.

Nothing wrong with a film where nothing seems to be what you think it is... plus a movie where it makes you think is always something refreshing... i'm sure when people saw the commercial for this movie on tV they thought it would be a mindless action movie like Clooney's 3 Kings was... what did you think the movie would be about when you saw a preview or commercial for it before you saw it? ....
Nothing wrong with a film where nothing seems to be what you think it is... plus a movie where it makes you think is always something refreshing...

I agree!

i'm sure when people saw the commercial for this movie on tV they thought it would be a mindless action movie like Clooney's 3 Kings was... what did you think the movie would be about when you saw a preview or commercial for it before you saw it? ....

I had no preconceptions about the movie at all, I'd never heard of it until my girlfriend brought it home from the rental shop. I watched it without even reading the cover notes. Perhaps that's where I went wrong.... ;)
The last movie I watched was Snakes On A Plane.

It's a very good movie in my opinion. Plus it has Samuel L. Jackson in it so enough said
'Snakes On A Plane' had me in stitches. Mind you, I'd been drinking a few brews before and during the screening, but by god it was fucking funny.
Syriana was definitely too confusing. It would take at least a few viewings to put everything together, and its way too boring for that. That said, it is a thought provoking film.

I just watched the Fountain for the 3rd time cause I bought it on DVD today. This movie blows me away every time. Something about this movie just clicks with me.
Caught a pirate version of 'Outlaw' today, and despite the shady quality, I thought it was fucking brilliant. Sort of like a modern day 'Death Wish', albeit more realistic, with a more complex plot and more than one central character (the cast is fantastic, by the way, especially Sean Bean). There were of course, the nagging moral questions of whether "street justice", as it were, by a gang of vigilantes, arguably barbaric in their approach, were really any better than the scum they were trying to rid London of. Bleakness was rife throughout, and in that respect, it felt as though one was empathising with the disillusioned - and perhaps a tad glamorized - lower class heroes that comprised said vigilantes, and with good reason.
I just watched the Fountain for the 3rd time cause I bought it on DVD today. This movie blows me away every time. Something about this movie just clicks with me.

I saw the Fountain in the theaters when it came out... I loved it and will get it on DVD... u do know it was based on a graphic novel/comic the director came out with? If you want to get the graphic novel get the one based on the movie then the original one. I didn't like the illustrations in the original one though it's a collectible. The movie clicks with me because I lost someone to cancer recently and everything in the movie has to do with her & me (buddhism, christianity, life/death/rebirth, the ring etc.; Me being Tom and her being Izzy) . It's like I was meant to see the movie. And oddly enough it came out around the same time as her death. Easily one of my top 5 movies. Some peeps think I'm obsessed with the movie but I have reason to be. The artistry and visuals of the movie are beautiful beyond belief. Anyways this is the most recent version of the book:

Yeah, I actually downloaded the comic book, but I would like to buy it. I recommend reading it while listening to the soundtrack :) Its crazy cause as I was doing that it was almost like it synched up, and when xibalba explodes the end of "death is the road to awe" came on, just like in the film. I'm basically obsessed with this movie too :) Sorry about the loss, I'm glad this movie helped. Its definitely one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen.
I thought it was pretty awful. Nothing fell into place with that movie.

The concept was pretty dynamic, and considering the project was in development for an age I was pretty excited. Instead of some awesome cinematic experience I was left pretty empty by the whole thing. I get what was trying to be said, and I appreciate the attempt at putting it in a less banal way but it just fell flat.

28 Weeks Later was sublime. Outlaw was one of the worst movies I've seen this year.
At last: 'Rocky Balboa'. Really, a fitting, humble finale to the series. It felt like a homage to all the previous movies, and despite some flaws (sloooow pacing to begin with, and the slight madness of a near-sexagenarian fighting a champion half his age) it all played out nicely. Though the screenplay did paint it as being a massive business nowadays rather than a genuine sport for true athletes, the movie itself wasn't so much about boxing as it was about growing old and accepting all the mixed facets of life's rich tapestry, among whatnot else. That said, the fight sequences were extremely well choreographed, with Mason "The Line" Dixon being played by a real-life boxer, and the audio effect of their punches being far less exaggerated than in the prior sequels (thank god! :lol: ). Also, Sly acted and directed impressively, as did the usual cast. And the training sequences were as uplifting as ever. It's sentimental stuff, but good sentimentality. :lol:

At the core of it all, Rocky himself comes across as just an old Romantic who leads more with his heart than his common sense (or lack thereof :p ), and that's probably why he's one of the most loved fictional heroes, ever. (And because he's a winner. :p )
Chronicles of Riddick. I'd seen it before, but I like Vin Diesel's acting in there. Although Pitch Black was better. :P
Recently saw a norwegian movie, I don`t do that often, cause I think norwegian movies suck big time.. But this movie I saw was hilerious.. It`s title is KILL BULJO... Great movie.. A lowbudget production movie..