Weed and Metal baby!
kurt and courtney-A film about kurt cobain's life that goes inside the theory that courtney love killed kurt.10/10
Waynes World 2- 1/10
Waynes World 2- 1/10
Children of Men.
Fuck, I'm depressed. Its all fucked.
Great movie though, I must read the supposedly superior book.
Children of Men is quite simply one of the most perfectly executed chunks of cinema in the past decade.
Lord of War - Surprisingly though provoking film about an Arms trafficer played by Nicolas Cage. Definitely recommended.
I would think more of it as a medeocre movie, not really something I would recommend
Unfortunately I don't share your sentiments![]()
I thought the movie was pretty shallow, and aside from a good plot, not very... interesting.
Also, it is pretty lame having a white-male character who saves the world by inadvertantly becoming the guardien of a black woman and her baby. Of course the woman in the movie is also a prostitute who doesn't know who the father is. L O L
Correct me if I am wrong, but this is what I gathered from watching the film. I could go on but I will just say I didn't enjoy the film as much as I expected. Also the ending was very dissapointing...
I thought it was an interesting movie, which had good screenwriting and cinematography. The action sequences were well done. Also the large scale of the film didn't affect the depth of the story and character development. Also it was a unique perspective on the business side of war and the people who are pulling the strings behind the scenes. :Smug:
Shallow? You've got to be kidding? I'll be brutally fucking honest and tell you that you've completely missed the point of the movie and in the process allowed yourself to miss something very, very powerful.
The story oozes depth. It's so human, so poignant. Technically it's beyond accomplished, Cuaron practically gives a masterclass in direction. Imposing your backward race/gender understanding onto the movies hardly speaks about it's quality, rather your own idiocy.
As for the ending, it was perfect for the movie. It's supposed to be open, it's an alleory for mankind. Still, if you didn't appreciate the movie then that's just as well, because it clearly was not made for your type of cinema goer. I'll apologise if I've just made you angry but it's pretty absurd to dislike the movie for the stupid reasons you listed.
and, btw Lad, Die Hard 4.0 was absolutely fucking nails. I loved it.
It clearly was not made for your type of cinema goer
Imposing your backward race/gender understanding
The film is shallow.
There is too much focus on the unwilling Hero, played half-heartedly, wether intentionally or not, by Clive Owens. He is made to seem invincible, even while everyone around him is being blown to bitsI didn't like the casting, and the overall cinematography, the film comes off harsh visually in most cases. I have to say I have forgotten most of the film since watching it last week.
Now you are just throwing insults. This comes off really immature and just retarded. Everything I said was true. I think you need to explain yourself, and what is meant by "backward race/gender understanding". I could easily just have said "Shut the fuck up, you fucking douchebag, etc etc etc...." however, I thought I was in an intellegent conversation.
Exactly... couldn't of been said better... the way the U.S. and other countries sell arms to unpopular causes by letting others within their country do it who are independents without busting them for it so the U.S. gov't themselves aren't directly accused of it... is a great movie and i have it on DVD... i think people don't like it because they don't like Nicolas Cage but that should not affect someone's judgement about whether a movie is good or not simply because you do not like a actor...
That's nonsense. It's either a very stodgy person that told you this, or some mediocre wannabe intellectual wanting to cover their bases. The movie is far superior to the book. Infact Children of Men is quite simply one of the most perfectly executed chunks of cinema in the past decade.