Last movie you've watched

Nightwatch, that Russian horror/supernatural/suspense/action movie.

Book was much, much better.
last night i watched Dondumam gaymak [My icecream is cream]
Its a turkish film about a man who sells ice cream and his fight with big companies we laught a lot :D if you can find it pls watch
Went to see Rocky Balboa. It was actually very good. Seriously, you'd think it would be ridiculous and all, but damn it, it was very good, and very touching.
^Yep, I was suprised. I expected something AWFUL, but perhaps Stallone has eased into the direction/writing chair alot more comfortably with age, much like Ol' Clint.
^Yep, I was suprised. I expected something AWFUL, but perhaps Stallone has eased into the direction/writing chair alot more comfortably with age, much like Ol' Clint.

Well, I dont know how much better of a director or screenwriter he is, but I think really the movie works so well because its an allegory about his own life. I suppose in many ways Rocky is Stallone, and both were told revising the movie or fighting would embarass them and they cant do it, they've both been put out to pasture by the world, the world is now obsessed with youth, etc. And yet they both still feel they can fight on, or have more to offer, and do so with a sense of humor, but a sense of conviction about themselves. So,its very poignant and heartfelt really, despite the training scenes, the climatic fight etc. I guess its his Unforgiven.
I recently watched City Hall, a movie starring Al Pacino, John Cusack and Bridget Fonda,

This movie had some good scenes in it but the plot was plodding and boring. I don't know why they gave little onscreen time to Bridget Fonda, who was great in this movie :kickass:
I saw The Pursuit of Happyness on New Year's Day. Will Smith was was his son. This guy has come a long way from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Very versatile actor he's become.

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I just saw "Citizen Kane" for the first time. Amazing film for it's time. I can see why it's received all the accolades it has. I can't believe Orson Welles was only in his mid 20s when he directed & starred in it.
i need to see the pursuit of happyness... ive seen the scene where him and his son pretend theyre cavemen and have to find a cave before the t-rex eats them and in reality theyre trying to find a place to sleep which ends up being a public toilet. when the son was asleep and he was crying and someone knocked on the door... that really hit me.
Just watched "Suspiria" for the first time, in fact this was the first Argento film I have seen I think... I thought it was pretty good :) The music was fantastic, the story was good and there was even some hot chicks in this movie :kickass:

next I HAVE to watch 'Phenomena' and also 'Inferno'