Last movie you've watched

Thank you for smoking, I liked it, it was quite funny.

This one does sound interesting.

Saw 'City Of God' again today. Really powerful, cleverly constructed and gritty in its harrowingly realistic portrayal of life in Rio. The footage during the credits of 'Knockout Ned' talking on national TV about the on-going war at the time appears to have been real - as shown by the actor in the film. I thought that was pretty cool.
Hmmm. I watched "Downfall". A great German film about Hitler's final days in the bunker while Germany was crumbling around him. It wasn't the first time I saw it, but I loved it just the same, if not more.
Finally saw V is for Vendetta. A violent, vibrant, vengeful, and valorous good time. Absolutely loved it.

Im surprised the absolutely anarchistic message of the movie was not attacked all over the media. I mean, this was a purely anarchistic movie with a "plot" and cartoonish V to make the central message of anarchy somewhat clouded and thus acceptable to the masses. But it lurks. The concluding egalitarian nature of the anarchy I could've done without. The Wachowski''s need to read their Bakunin.

And making Natalie Portman look like a boy was somewhat...well, I understand the Wachowski brothers wrote it, but I thought it was a little over-the-top--her boyishness I mean.
You liked it? I was bored for the majority of the film. An interesting idea, poorly executed. I do like some of the over the top dialogue, the sentiments remain interesting.

I saw Apocalypto today, which I adored. Some real moments of honesty portrayed through nothing more than camera angles and a man running. Wonderful. :)
I watched 'Phenomena' for the first time, this is definitely one of my top 5 horror films, the fast pace and brutally gory nature of this film is awesome, also I think the music and acting (especially Jen Connelly) was simply brilliant. An amazing film all around
Hmmm. I watched "Downfall". A great German film about Hitler's final days in the bunker while Germany was crumbling around him. It wasn't the first time I saw it, but I loved it just the same, if not more.

Downfall is an amazing movie - and I definately thankyou for reminding me about the title (which I completely forgot!)
The Straight Story on DVD. Sentimental but good movie about a bunch of old vecks doing stuff before they go off to die.

I remember watching this one a long time ago, my brother and I made a song dedicated to this movie. Alvin and his good ol lawnmower. It's the only David Lynch movie I've seen, and I've heard his other ones are way different. But I liked this one, good movie.
You liked it? I was bored for the majority of the film. An interesting idea, poorly executed. I do like some of the over the top dialogue, the sentiments remain interesting.

I saw Apocalypto today, which I adored. Some real moments of honesty portrayed through nothing more than camera angles and a man running. Wonderful. :)

Well apart from my problems with it, I enjoyed it. Problems: the cartoonish heavy-handed plot, the obvious pederastic and homosexual inclinations, and its egalitarian anarchism and anti-climatic ending. But still, I commend the filmmakers for making something so anarchistic, for some decent moments of dialogue and intelligence, and for its entertainment. I havent seen any big-budget movies Ive enjoyed as much in some time.

I really want to see Apocalyptico.

But Ive really burned out on movies except for the occasional comedy (Borat), and intelligent entertaining movie (Prestige). I dont know how many more cliches, superheros, bad dialogue and characterization, and heavy-handed "award-winners" I can take.
Well apart from my problems with it, I enjoyed it. Problems: the cartoonish heavy-handed plot, the obvious pederastic and homosexual inclinations, and its egalitarian anarchism and anti-climatic ending. But still, I commend the filmmakers for making something so anarchistic, for some decent moments of dialogue and intelligence, and for its entertainment. I havent seen any big-budget movies Ive enjoyed as much in some time.

I'm quite frankly baffled as to how anyone enjoyed V for Vendetta. The plot was utterly ridiculous, the 'anarchistic' theme seemed like it was directed at primary school children, the guy wearing the mask for the whole film was really annoying and totally unbelievable, Natalie Portman's attempt at an English accent was laughable, the scene where they kiss was utterly hilarious, and the action and special effects were ridiculously overdone. It was the first big budget blockbuster I had watched in ages, and I found it completely patronising and riddled with cliche.

But Ive really burned out on movies except for the occasional comedy (Borat), and intelligent entertaining movie (Prestige). I dont know how many more cliches, superheros, bad dialogue and characterization, and heavy-handed "award-winners" I can take.

You should dig deeper. There are many great films out there that are none of those things.
xmen 3... BAH!

Good movie.. but they totally RAPED the storyline.. and probably killed off the chance for a 4th movie

X-Men 4: The Search for More Money er mutants :erk:
I'm quite frankly baffled as to how anyone enjoyed V for Vendetta. The plot was utterly ridiculous, the 'anarchistic' theme seemed like it was directed at primary school children, the guy wearing the mask for the whole film was really annoying and totally unbelievable, Natalie Portman's attempt at an English accent was laughable, the scene where they kiss was utterly hilarious, and the action and special effects were ridiculously overdone. It was the first big budget blockbuster I had watched in ages, and I found it completely patronising and riddled with cliche.

You should dig deeper. There are many great films out there that are none of those things.

Well, I oddly enjoyed it as the trash it was. I think I enjoyed its very over-the-top nature. And I even stated many of the same complaints as you (but yes, I am utterly confused as to why Natalie Portman is famous, since she's been awful in everything since she graduated--in age only--to adulthood) . Everyone has some bizarre and tasteless treasures.

Well, as for these big-budget hollywood adolescent-fests of special effects etc, I havent seen a decent one in a long time. Pirates was one of the worst movies Ive ever seen, the Star Wars prequels and Matrix sequels were terrible, Da Vinci code, X-men was terrible, I hated the Spiderman movies, god, I really cant remember the last one I enjoyed. Name some good ones over the last few years.
xmen 3... BAH!

Good movie.. but they totally RAPED the storyline.. and probably killed off the chance for a 4th movie

X-Men 4: The Search for More Money er mutants :erk:

I like the story, it was the idea that they didn't have to make a 4th one.
here's a quote from Tom Rothman (Fox head)
“It's the conclusion of this trilogy. These three movies work as a trilogy. These characters in this relationship, it's the culmination of that saga. It's the culmination and the resolution of those relationships laid out in the first two movies. That doesn't mean never, I would ever say never again, but I will say that this brings that saga to an end. It's quite the way the last Lord of the Rings, Return of the King, brought that trilogy to a conclusion in terms of those characters, that's what this movie does. It goes all the way back to the first one and rounds off and completes that three-part story”

besides, Patrick Steward was getting too old for another one. Great actor nevertheless.
Well, as for these big-budget hollywood adolescent-fests of special effects etc, I havent seen a decent one in a long time. Pirates was one of the worst movies Ive ever seen, the Star Wars prequels and Matrix sequels were terrible, Da Vinci code, X-men was terrible, I hated the Spiderman movies, god, I really cant remember the last one I enjoyed. Name some good ones over the last few years.

I thought the Pitch Black/Chronicles of Riddick saga was very good...