Last movie you've watched

The Science of Sleep started out quirky and postmodern, and wore out its welcome after about an hour--leading me to contemplate using the fast forward button.

I liked it. I've always thought that Gondry manages to put something genuine into his postmodernism. He's somewhat unique in that sense.
I just bought No Country For Old Men. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll love it! I'll be watching it tonight.

If you don't like No Country... Then I don't like you.
Nah, it's an awesome movie, man.

I should be goin' to se 10,000 BC tomoro.
We Own The Night - A decent crime flick with Joaquin Phoenix and Mark Wahlberg.

Good movie though I thought it was BS that they would of made him a cop just like that *snaps fingers* considering he worked for criminals regardless of who his father and brother were... and to not make him a regular beat cop to begin with... on another note Eva Mendes was hot as usual... always great to see her getting herself off lol
Wild Zero - A B-rate Japanese zombie flick. I didn't like this one at all. It's supposed to be made cool by the real Japanese punk band Guitar Wolf but the music is irritating and most times it doesn't even fit the scene; like the director was trying to get as much music in as possible. The zombies were horrible. Their behavior depended on how close main characters were. If someone was close, they stood there. If someone was away, they would actually walk. And the spacecraft...?

Wizard of Darkness - A passable Japanese flick about witches. Some decent Japanese lesbian action and a fair amount of gore.
Easily swayed, huh?

Asians? Check
Witches? Check
Gore? Check
Asian Witches Engaged in Gory Acts - Check


Back from my tangent:

I saw Funny Games, the shot-for-shot remake. It's quite good, equally so to the original I feel. Uncomfortable to an extent, but pretty good. Audiences dislike it when viewer-participation conventions are broken and this movie does that.
Did it? I thought they'd already wrapped the 3rd season, and had no further plans at the time.

Ach well, classic show alright. I remember speaking to some priests who said the West Coast Catholics they met were not far removed from the show's portrayal(s). :lol:
Indeed, I think you're right. I simply mean that it should have run for longer. It had another season in it easily.

My mother comes from around that area. One of the reasons the show worked so well is because some people are genuinely like that. The crew that made the show were mostly Irish, so they knew those people and those institutions. Every bit of the show had roots somewhere.