Last movie you've watched

She could in no way have anticipated, especially at her age, his unforeseeable suffering or death as a result of her acts which were little more than childhood blunders - .
Her bearing false witness to a rape is a little more then "childhood blunders". And if you paid attention to the movie more you would of known he was heading to Medical School had he not been arrested therefor he probably would of stayed in London/England attending to the wounded with Cecilia by his side... so yes Brioni's action of telling a lie because of jealously & misinterpreting certain things like them having sex in the library, her coming out of the fountain mad or in love? , his letter to cecilia wanting to do things to her "wet cunt", the rape itself where she didn't see the attackers' face, when she was 18 and didn't set the record straight etc.. etc.. all these things were just a little more then "childhood blunders". They set the events in motion where he was arrested and forced to join the army to fight in a war he probably wouldn't have originally have fought and make Cecilia estranged from her family living in London in the line of fire so to speak instead of being back at the family estate away from the bombings waiting for him to come home from medical school to resume their romance.

Childhood blunder = telling Mom & Dad they had sex in the library

Serious adult/life affecting blunder = bearing false witness to a rape someone didn't commit and not making things right while they were still alive therefor causing events to happen that kept two people in love apart
If you cannot grasp the moral centre of the movie then of course you won't like it. It was perfectly clear to me what emotional strings were being played, and for hundreds of other people too. You don't need to like the movie, but criticising people for crying at it? I'll contend that's quite ridiculous, especially considering that it's quite a moving piece.

She wanted to Atone because she realised how her childish misunderstanding had deprived her sister of her love, the focus lies there. Dismissing the atonement as pointless because she was a silly unaware child is circular thinking, for the rub is that she was silly and jealous and as an adult she now regrets it.

I thought the ending was a little strange, and perhaps played on the sentimentality you dislike so much, but it's required to give the plot twist an emotional force.

In short, I don't understand your criticism at all.
Goya's Ghosts - movie about events surrounding painter Goya's life. Starring Natalie Portman. Very powerful film, although I thought Portman was miscast and not very good in it. Stellan Skarsgard (sp) was quite good playing the famous painter, although it was odd to see a Danish man playing the main character in this Spanish period film.
Finally watched Apocalyptico. Apart from the very, very end, I was very impressed.

Saw I Heart Huckabees too, and loved it as well.

The Science of Sleep started out quirky and postmodern, and wore out its welcome after about an hour--leading me to contemplate using the fast forward button.
Cries And Whispers - First Ingmar movie i´ve ever seen,maybe he isn´t just pretentious and boring after all. Gonna check out the Seventh Seal next.
Alexander - Starring Colin Farrel, Angelina Jolie

I was surprised by this movie. I thought it was well written and well directed. There are some great action scenes and dramatic scenes.
The Science of Sleep started out quirky and postmodern, and wore out its welcome after about an hour--leading me to contemplate using the fast forward button.

Yeah I also found this movie annoying. I was really looking forward to seeing it as well, as I have enjoyed most of Michel Gondry's work.