Last movie you've watched

Went and saw Indiana Jones. I lasted about 20 minutes before I switched theaters.
Although Untraceable wasn't much better.
I think the Truman Show wavers between interesting and horribly worked. I 'd say slightly more positive things about it than negative, but it didn't really work all that well.

Gibson has alot of directorial talent. His movies bank so he will continue to make them, but he's becoming a bit of a liability.
Just saw There Will Be Blood last night.

Good movie, but I want to watch it again. I missed a few lines and such here and there. Some great cinematographic moments. And Paul Dano was really good. I actually liked his acting better than Daniel Day Lewis's (which was superb as well).
last movie i saw was ....the happening...which wasn't happening at all...i caught the end of the hulk which was way better
The Happening sucked. Every time Shyamallamalan comes out with a new movie I get excited, because the trailers make it look so good. Then I go see it, and what do I get? Fucking shit film. Shit.
Fast Times at Ridgemont High - entertaining but somewhat ridiculous movie. I thought Jennifer Jason Leigh is amazing even in such a throw away role as the teenage whore in this overreaching teen romp that is more suited to an adult audience. I was disturbed by the scene including a 15 year old girl, played by Leigh, being date-raped by an adult male.
Medea - Based on the classic novel, this film is directed by Danish director Lars Von Trier. Very dark and bleak cinematography. Definitely recommended for those interested in medieval period films.