Last movie you've watched

Is that the new Meryl Streep one? About a chef and her imitator, or something? I thought it looked funny.

Won't be seeing 2012.

Last flick I caught at a cinema was Harry Brown. Uglier and more exploitative than I'd hoped/expected, but had its moments. Caine was great as usual.

Yep, it's really, really nice. I liked it a lot. The scenes with Streep and Tucci are wonderful. So nice.

As for 2012, I was tempted not to see it because I knew I wouldn't like it. It's probably fair to call it a middling movie, and I think box office doesn't really indicate the worth of a movie.
Sweeny Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

great movie :) very funny sometimes, but there are also sad moments. perfect mix. the music is fantastic. I love this movie :) 9/10
Won't be seeing 2012. Why not? Seems your judging it without seeing it or listening to critics. Critics aren't always right. It continues to be a #1 movie for a reason. At least Derek saw it before judging it.

I actually haven't read the reviews. Rather, I'm not interested much based on a) the previews, premise and promotion associated with it that I have seen and b) Roland Emmerich and the kind of ridiculous, bloated, annoying blockbusters he's known for. That being said, the first Unisol is still a favourite in its B flick style - Van Damme and Lundgren were probably at their peak then. And Independence Day is a fun accidental-comedy-actioner. Other than that, no thanks.

Yep, it's really, really nice. I liked it a lot. The scenes with Streep and Tucci are wonderful. So nice.

As for 2012, I was tempted not to see it because I knew I wouldn't like it. It's probably fair to call it a middling movie, and I think box office doesn't really indicate the worth of a movie.

Right, but not 'schmaltzy' nice? I didn't notice much promo for it here, so I'm just going on a fleeting impression.
Don't forget Stargate - that's a good one!

Maybe it's a little maudlin, but it's not so bad. Streep is such a good actress that it never collapses into it.

If you mean New Moon... i concur... I finally went to go see it after this girl i am dating bugged me to take her since it came out... i was surprised I liked it... I'm going to see the first one, Twilight, just so I get the story better...

As for 2012, I was tempted not to see it because I knew I wouldn't like it. It's probably fair to call it a middling movie, and I think box office doesn't really indicate the worth of a movie.
I would say it's fair to say you didn't enjoy it because you had set your mind before you even saw it that you wouldn't enjoy it...

As for box office and such, you are correct but only if the film flops after the first weekend or week.. films that to me that continue being a hit way after it's weekend debut I would say are good if not great...

Sweeny Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

great movie :) very funny sometimes, but there are also sad moments. perfect mix. the music is fantastic. I love this movie :) 9/10
I hated this movie... actually fell asleep while watching it in the theater... i hate musicals and such... I think it would of been a great movie had it not been a musical... but i know it's based on the musical of the 70's and such...

I liked Sweeney Todd too. It's the correct territory for Burton, and it all came together pretty nicely.
I didn't think it was the correct territory for him though i liked the visual aspect of the movie and give Burton credit to that part i hated the musical part of it as i stated already...

I actually haven't read the reviews. Rather, I'm not interested much based on a) the previews, premise and promotion associated with it that I have seen and b) Roland Emmerich and the kind of ridiculous, bloated, annoying blockbusters he's known for.
Action movies are not meant to be academy award material... it's meant to entertain with the action sequences themselves and thereby being a "blockbuster". My suggestion is to watch it on DVD rental at least and make a judgement then if you do not wish to see it in the theater now. Then make a judgement of it because you are obviously being biased about it before even seeing it much like i was with New Moon. And now I like New Moon.

Don't forget Stargate - that's a good one!

Stargate was a good one as is other of his movies imo... he entertains and he does that good ...

Law Abiding Citizen
Was it good? I hate when someone names what movie they saw but no other comment about it whether they liked it or not and why they did or didn't...

As for me I saw New Moon and liked it despite that you do not really seeing someone being killed or being ripped apart though it's implied just before it happens... but i liked the plot, actors/actresses etc. I would recommend it even to the naysayers who have open minds and are not just into mindless movies...
If you mean New Moon... i concur... I finally went to go see it after this girl i am dating bugged me to take her since it came out... i was surprised I liked it... I'm going to see the first one, Twilight, just so I get the story better...

I would say it's fair to say you didn't enjoy it because you had set your mind before you even saw it that you wouldn't enjoy it...

I didn't think it was the correct territory for him though i liked the visual aspect of the movie and give Burton credit to that part i hated the musical part of it as i stated already...

Stargate was a good one as is other of his movies imo... he entertains and he does that good ...

No, I didn't mean New Moon. I meant Moon. An all round better movie. Actually, one of the best this year.

I saw New Moon too, and while I'm not as hostile to the Twilight books/movies as most men, I didn't especially enjoy New Moon. I think it appeals primarily to the sensibilities of teenage girls and further to that Chris Weitz made it as overly long and averagely directed as the Golden Compass.

That said, I'm quasi-excited about the third installment because David Slade has impressed thus far with his movies (Hard Candy and 30 Days of Night). We'll see, though.

Best thing about New Moon, for my money, was Michael Sheen. The man is ridiculously talented.

As for 2012, I'm reasonable enough to adjust my thoughts if I realise I was mistaken. With 2012, I don't think my opinion prior to seeing it tainted my feelings about it. It's a bloated movie and it just didn't excite me at all really. I don't like Emmerich generally, and the few movies of his I enjoy are mostly because of the plot being of interest - his direction and scripts are poor.

As for Sweeney Todd - I'm not really into Burton to be honest. I don't get his aesthetic. From all his movies I like Big Fish and that's because it's possibly the least Burton(ish) of his movies. Plot aside his Planet of the Apes was not so bad either. I liked how his kitsch direction worked with a musical. I find most of his regular theatrical releases to be boring.
Sweeny Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

great movie :) very funny sometimes, but there are also sad moments. perfect mix. the music is fantastic. I love this movie :) 9/10

Probably Tim Burton's best movie and the music was amazing...Yup.

Just watch Inglorious Basterds on BluRay, Great Tarantino movie, It's got everything...Good Acting, memorable Characters, good Story, Dialogue and Brutal as fuck. Brad Pitt is underrated as an actor.
Great casting in Holmes. Pretty much only Downey Jnr could make the character more action packed but retain ties with the source material.
movies i seen lately:

1. Up in the Air - Clooney is great as is the other actors. He does best when in drama type of movies.

2. Sherlock Holmes - good movie but too fast paced to understand what is going on

3. Avatar - very good movie but overrated to be over the $1 billion mark

4. Youth in Revolt - good funny movie. Typical Michael Cena movie.

Can't remember what else I saw. But movies I want to see in coming weeks:

1. Book of Eli

2. Legion

3. The Lovely Bones

4. Daybreakers - maybe

5. Leap Year
don't remember if i mentioned this one but I saw Old Dogs... with Robin Williams and Travolta... very funny movie... especially the scene when Robin golfs with the Japanese and Travolta goes to a wake to remember a person who passed away lol me and the theater couldn't stop laughing during that scene...
In fairness, I haven't seen it, but Old Dogs was one of the worst reviewed movies of the decade by reviewers from all quarters.

With you on Sherlock Holmes. It's slightly too long and a bit too kinetic. Nice touches, though. A sequel could be great.

Avatar is all about the visuals - that's why it'll make so much cash. Titanic was the same. Cameron provides an event and people pay to see it - neither film could be called a masterpiece.

Book of Eli and Lovely Bones were poorly received, but I'm excited about them a bit too. The Daybreakers trailer looks great.